maxritter / diy-thermocam

A do-it-yourself thermal imager, compatible with the FLIR Lepton 2.5, 3.1R and 3.5 sensor with Arduino firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.1k stars 174 forks source link

Lepton 3.5 #23

Closed Loremwriter closed 6 years ago

Loremwriter commented 6 years ago


Just a little question from germany. :) I want to start to build this project, but im just wondering, if I can order the Lepton 3.5 Sensor instead of the lepton 3.0. Is the 3.5 radiometric or do I have to expect any obstacles while building your thermocam with a 3.5 instead of 3.0?

Best regards

maxritter commented 6 years ago

The Lepton3.5 is pretty new, it was just released last week. It is fully radiometric like the Lepton2.5, so you do not need the MLX90614 spot sensor.

I will hopefully get my Lepton3.5 by the end of next week, so I can make the firmware compatible with it. On the hardware side, you don't have to worry about any changes.

Wishes, Max

Loremwriter commented 6 years ago

That's great! Yes its quite new, but could you maybe post a reply, if it works with Laptop 3.5. At this moment I would order my parts to build the cam. Or do you think I can order it anyway, because the firmware will be compatible then? :)

Thanks. :)

maxritter commented 6 years ago

You can go ahead and buy it, I will make the firmware compatible next weekend if my sensor is already there until then ;)

ulab commented 6 years ago

I was thinking about upgrading my cam to the 3.5 since I broke the shutter when taking apart my One for the sensor. Does it hurt if the spot sensor is soldered in when switching the module?

maxritter commented 6 years ago

Nope, the spot sensor is just not used when a radiometric Lepton is detected.

maxritter commented 6 years ago

Support for the FLIR Lepton3.5 was added with FW version 2.45

Loremwriter commented 6 years ago

Thank you! :)

Just a quick question concerning the Lepton: Is there a difference between the "500-0771-01-ND" and the "500-0771-01"? bildschirmfoto 2018-04-07 um 21 49 41

And is there any reason why I should buy the resistive LCD instead of the capacitive, like controller or compatibility? I guess I would prefer the capacitive. :)