maxritter / diy-thermocam

A do-it-yourself thermal imager, compatible with the FLIR Lepton 2.5, 3.1R and 3.5 sensor with Arduino firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Thermocam Freezes #82

Closed chick0n closed 3 years ago

chick0n commented 3 years ago

And another Question:

Sometimes my Thermocam freezes at Bootup or the Picture Freezes,and it completely locks up, and I have to Switch on and off.

I also Charged the Lipo to 100%, and made Batterie gauge Calibration. But nonetheless it reports, that the Batterie is almost Empty.

What could be the problem?

I built the thermocam with an "ArduCAM-M-2MP Plus", and the new V2 Lepton Breakout board:

I connected like this: 86624988-52975000-bf92-11ea-8c65-03d3dc510752

Is there a way, to completely erase the teensy including EEPROM / Calibration Data, and start over?

chick0n commented 3 years ago

I found a way to completely erase the teensy.

Since we dont have access to the reset button anymore, you have to connect the "P" pin on the teensy to "GND" pin with tweezers, for exactly 15sec (use timer). Then Reflash firmware with teensy loader.

It doesnt freeze for now, but battery percentage is still all over the place, after each reboot. (50%,70%,90% or completely empty)

chick0n commented 3 years ago

I still have the Freeze issues. I think it has to do with the ArduCAM-M-2MP Plus.

When I deactivate the Arducam, it works.

With Arducam on, I get freezes during bootup and operation.

The Camera produces "Garbage" Output too. After about 10sec warmup time, the Camera works correctly.

So either my Arducam is defect, or it has something to do with firmware implementation?

So I have to boot the thermocam with Arducam disabled, then enable the Arducam and wait 10sec for warmup. Then everything works Ok.

maxritter commented 3 years ago

@chick0n Strange issues and hard to debug remotely.. It could be that the Arducam is faulty or the module received a HW upgrade that the firmware is not able to cope with..

If you can't fix the problem on your own, please drop me a mail to, and we can see how we can handle the situation (sending the device to me for inspection f. ex.).

chick0n commented 3 years ago

I ordered the Arducam directly from uctronics:

Maybe the model is too "recent". :)

chick0n commented 3 years ago

Its Hardware defect...when I heat up the Samsung RAM Chip with Hot-Air, it works.

So its Bad RAM Chip, or BGA Soldering Issue...

So maybe dont buy from uctronics....

chick0n commented 3 years ago

Uctronics sent me an new Camera, for free...this one works OK so far...

maxritter commented 3 years ago

Closing the issue, glad it's working.