maxsharabayko / srt-xtransmit

SRT transmission application used for testing
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Report invalid URIs #101

Open maxsharabayko opened 1 month ago

maxsharabayko commented 1 month ago

Some URIs are invalid, but hard to detect for a human. The application should rather report there is likely an error is URIs like the following one:

./srt-xtransmit generate "srt://"--enable-metrics
bpolic commented 1 month ago
export testid=QASRT_371
(receiver) 1.5.4
./srt-xtransmit generate "srt://"--enable-metrics --statsfile snd-stats-$testid.csv --statsfreq 1s --duration 20s --sendrate 10Mbps -v
(sender) 1.5.3
./srt-xtransmit receive "srt://:4200?cryptomode=2&passphrase=0123456789" --enable-metrics --statsfile rcv-stats-$testid.csv --statsfreq 1s --metricsfile rcv-metrics-$testid.csv -v

Human mistake not to put Space on this part of command: passphrase=0123456789"--enable-metrics provide unappropriated message:

15:04:18.314834/SRT:RcvQ:w1! @854087320: processConnectResponse: rejecting per reception of a rejection HS response: ERROR:BADSECRET
15:04:18.314919/SRT:RcvQ:w1! @854087320: processAsyncConnectRequest: REJECT reported from HS processing: Incorrect passphrase - not processing further
15:04:18.320529 [D] SOCKET::SRT @854087320 connect failed. ERROR: Incorrect passphrase.