If you have a category E displayed over D and a functor F : C -> D you can pull E back along F to get a category F^*E displayed over C. This is pretty easy to define except for actually proving the displayed category laws:
module _ {C : Category ℓC ℓC'} {D : Category ℓD ℓD'}
(F : Functor C D) (Dᴰ : Categoryᴰ D ℓDᴰ ℓDᴰ') where
open Functor
open Categoryᴰ
module Dᴰ = Categoryᴰ Dᴰ
reindex : Categoryᴰ C ℓDᴰ ℓDᴰ'
reindex .ob[_] c = Dᴰ.ob[ F ⟅ c ⟆ ]
reindex .Hom[_][_,_] f d d' = Dᴰ.Hom[ F ⟪ f ⟫ ][ d , d' ]
reindex .idᴰ {p = d} = transport (λ i → Dᴰ [ F .F-id (~ i) ][ d , d ]) (Dᴰ.idᴰ {p = d})
reindex ._⋆ᴰ_ {f = f}{g = g}{xᴰ = xᴰ}{zᴰ = zᴰ} fᴰ gᴰ =
transport (λ i → Dᴰ [ F .F-seq f g (~ i) ][ xᴰ , zᴰ ]) (fᴰ Dᴰ.⋆ᴰ gᴰ)
reindex .⋆IdLᴰ fᴰ = {!!}
reindex .⋆IdRᴰ = {!!}
reindex .⋆Assocᴰ = {!!}
reindex .isSetHomᴰ = Dᴰ.isSetHomᴰ
If you have a category
displayed overD
and a functorF : C -> D
you can pullE
back alongF
to get a categoryF^*E
displayed over C. This is pretty easy to define except for actually proving the displayed category laws:The laws are a bit of nasty cubical stuff, but you can base the proof off of the 1lab: https://1lab.dev/Cat.Displayed.Instances.Pullback.html#pullback-of-a-displayed-category