maxsnew / cubical-categorical-logic

Extensions to the cubical stdlib category theory for categorical logic/type theory
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Tactics/Solvers #9

Closed maxsnew closed 1 year ago

maxsnew commented 1 year ago

A lot of the boring details of these proofs could be automated using domain-specific solvers. For instance this proof:

    F ⟪ f ⋆⟨ C ⟩ f' ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ (α .N-ob _ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ α' .N-ob c'')
      ≡[ i ]⟨ F .F-seq f f' i ⋆⟨ D ⟩ (α .N-ob _ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ α' .N-ob c'') ⟩
    (F ⟪ f ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ F ⟪ f' ⟫) ⋆⟨ D ⟩ (α .N-ob _ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ α' .N-ob c'')
      ≡⟨ D .⋆Assoc (F ⟪ f ⟫) (F ⟪ f' ⟫) ((α .N-ob _ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ α' .N-ob c'')) ⟩
    F ⟪ f ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ (F ⟪ f' ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ (α .N-ob _ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ α' .N-ob c''))
      ≡[ i ]⟨ F ⟪ f ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ D .⋆Assoc (F ⟪ f' ⟫) (α .N-ob _) (α' .N-ob c'') (~ i) ⟩
    F ⟪ f ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ ((F ⟪ f' ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ α .N-ob _) ⋆⟨ D ⟩ α' .N-ob c'')
      ≡[ i ]⟨ F ⟪ f ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ (α .N-hom f' i ⋆⟨ D ⟩ α' .N-ob c'') ⟩
    F ⟪ f ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ ((α .N-ob _ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ F' ⟪ f' ⟫) ⋆⟨ D ⟩ α' .N-ob c'')
      ≡[ i ]⟨ F ⟪ f ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ D .⋆Assoc (α .N-ob _) (F' ⟪ f' ⟫) (α' .N-ob c'') i ⟩
    F ⟪ f ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ (α .N-ob _ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ (F' ⟪ f' ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ α' .N-ob c''))
      ≡[ i ]⟨ D .⋆Assoc (F ⟪ f ⟫) (α .N-ob _) ((F' ⟪ f' ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ α' .N-ob c'')) (~ i) ⟩
    (F ⟪ f ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ α .N-ob c') ⋆⟨ D ⟩ (F' ⟪ f' ⟫ ⋆⟨ D ⟩ α' .N-ob c'') ∎

Is the transitive composition of 6 steps, 4 of which are just associativity.

I'm going to start small and implement a category solver based on the 1lab version but using the infrastructure from cubical, used for example here.

JacquesCarette commented 1 year ago

Or, you know, you could borrow the combinators from agda-category (which 1lab has done) that abstract out those assocs, thus reducing the proofs back down to a more sane number of lines.

Not that shouldn't implement these solvers! Just that you don't have to suffer long annoying proofs until you get there, you can shorten them already, with well tested technology.

BTW, in interesting side-effect of doing the proofs manually with all the assocs is that moving up one level (i.e. 1 categories to 2 categories) is not so painful as you've already has to spell out things. In other words, doubling down on automation now will insure that if you go up a level, you'll find it extra painful. Your choice, of course 😄

maxsnew commented 1 year ago

I'm aware of these but I disagree, Jacques. Firstly, these solvers have already been implemented as well, so I just need to copy them. Secondly, for 2-categories I would write a 2-category solver.

JacquesCarette commented 1 year ago

Excellent - you're making an informed decision. And purposefully exploring a different part of the design space, another good thing. :+1:

maxsnew commented 1 year ago

Progress made: got a category solver working. Functor solver and more wouldn't be that hard tbh

maxsnew commented 1 year ago

Functor solver has been a much bigger task than I expected (got the formulation and construction wrong at first) but I think it's on the right track now. Biggest issue was that to avoid fiddling with a lot of transports I reformulated the UMP of the free category as a 2-categorical UMP: Any two functors out of the free category that agree up to isomorphism on generators are naturally isomorphic. There should be a stronger version of this theorem that uniquely relates those two isomorphisms but it doesn't seem needed yet for the solvers.

Here's the steps for the Functor solver. We fix phi : G -> H a graph homomorphism and we construct a functor Free phi : Free G -> Free(H+phi) where Free G is the free category on G and Free(H+phi) is something we construct explicitly:

maxsnew commented 1 year ago

Implemented in