maxtepkeev / architect

A set of tools which enhances ORMs written in Python with more features
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Trigger partition creation manually #10

Open ddelemeny opened 9 years ago

ddelemeny commented 9 years ago


I'm happily using architect with django and there's a use-case I'd love to see simplified.

I'm partitioning a table on a date field by month, and the insert pattern on this table is the following : Every month, I use a python/django/psycopg script to COPY a lot of rows with the date field set to Y-m-01. I could totally preempt table creation and load that data directly to the partition table, thus avoiding the overhead.

The requested feature is : Extract a partition creation function from the _insert_child trigger, and optionally make it available as API on the Django model.

What do you think ?

maxtepkeev commented 9 years ago


Great idea. Unfortunately I don't have time to do this right now, but if you're able to implement this feature and send a pull request with tests, I'll happily merge it.


ddelemeny commented 9 years ago

Hi again, I have a draft implementation referenced above. It passes existing tests, but I don't have implemented specific test cases yet.

A side comment though : the "formatted getattr" way of calling functions to build sql looks a bit clumsy and possibly hard to maintain/extend, and my implementation will likely conflict with other forks out there who assume 'get_{0}_partition_function' (see for example

So, what do you think ?

maxtepkeev commented 9 years ago


Sorry, I missed your comment somehow, shame on me.

As for the question, I don't think that the "formatted getattr" way of calling functions to build sql looks a bit clumsy and possibly hard to maintain/extend, I think opposite, it's much more flexible than, for example, having a set of if statements building sql. But if you have a better idea, I'm ready to listen.

Speaking about your implementation, it's ok, but I don't see the suggested optionally make it available as API on the Django model implemented. Also it should be implemented for all ORM backends and not just the Django one.