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SQL injections are possible when using partition string_firstchars (Postgres, Django) #14

Closed schumannd closed 8 years ago

schumannd commented 8 years ago

SUBSTR(LOWER(NEW.<column_name>), 1, <n>) is used in the trigger function. If the column value contains special characters it breaks. And if you chose n large enough SQL injections become possible. We fixed this using: SUBSTR(LOWER(regexp_replace(NEW.<column_name>, '[^a-zA-Z]', '', 'g')), 1, <n>); Which makes everything much more stable

maxtepkeev commented 8 years ago

So basically, you're proposing to remove everything except letters. I don't think this is a good idea, because I may want to use any characters in my strings and this is a perfectly legal use case.

Also, can you suggest an example that will break this function ?

schumannd commented 8 years ago

You are right, this solution was tailored to my specific usecase.

IIRC the following was the problem when using certain special chars like ';':

"match := LOWER(SUBSTRING(NEW.{{column}} FROM '.{{{{{constraint}}}}}$'));", "tablename := '{{parenttable}}' || match;"

Match is then used in the CHECK constraint without any enclosing quotes. (l. 47, l. 233/255)

maxtepkeev commented 8 years ago

I was able to reproduce it, the fix will be introduced in the next version. Thanks for your time and help.

maxtepkeev commented 8 years ago

Fixed in v0.5.2