maxwellhadley / node-red-contrib-rfxcom

node-RED nodes to access an RFXtrx433 transceiver
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Odd behaviour for MCZ stove #116

Closed GOinfo-Ltd closed 2 years ago

GOinfo-Ltd commented 2 years ago


I've made a box to control MCZ pellet stoves. It uses a raspberry pi and the new RFXCOM versions (batch 21xx), with ProXL 1 firmwares (version 1044).

Everything seems to work fine, except... When the fan speed is at "1", this node says that the command isn't recognized.

image image image

Whether fanSpeed is an array of the right size, an array of the wrong size, or a simple number, I get that error whenever the model is "1 fan".

Node-red 1.2.5 node-red-contrib-rfxcom 2.11.3

maxwellhadley commented 2 years ago

A fan speed of 1 is accepted only if the flame power is set to 2 or less, not if it is 3 or more. Presumably this is to prevent overheating?

This behaviour is embedded within the RFXCOM itself, not the node. I hope this helps!

GOinfo-Ltd commented 2 years ago

Oh wow, can't believe I missed that.

I did that check but somehow removed it, didn't think to check...

Well, thanks...

maxwellhadley commented 2 years ago

This behaviour doesn't seem to be documented anywhere I could find, although I did find a warning about using fan speed 0 with flame power other than 1.

GOinfo-Ltd commented 2 years ago

I believe I saw it either in the SDK or in the quick start manual. Anyway thanks.

GOinfo-Ltd commented 2 years ago


Couldn't find the limitations anymore but there's some details for anyone who find this issue later.

maxwellhadley commented 2 years ago

That is similar to what I have in the SDK documents, but not exactly the same. The behaviour with fan speed = 1 isn't documented though. Thanks for posting - this will be a useful reference