maybeLx / MVSFormerPlusPlus

Codes of MVSFormer++: Revealing the Devil in Transformer’s Details for Multi-View Stereo (ICLR2024)
Apache License 2.0
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Some questions regarding lr/batch_size #18

Closed Parskatt closed 2 days ago

Parskatt commented 2 days ago

Hiya, great work! From what I can understand you run with batch_size = 16. However, when running in DDP this seems to be the per gpu batch size. However, as far as I can tell the learning rate is not multiplied in case world_size > 1. Usually you would want to adjust these parameters based on the total batch size.

How many GPUs did you run for the pretrained models? Was it 4 like in the suggestion? In that case I'm assuming I should use a lower learning rate if I'm using fewer GPUs and a higher learning rate if using more. Does that make sense?

ewrfcas commented 2 days ago

Yes, we used 4 GPUs for the training (batch 64). We have tried larger batch size such as 128, which enjoys slightly better results. For the learning rate, indeed, a larger batch size should have a larger learning rate (for example, if batch2, lr should \sqrt{2}). But we did not try larger learning rates in this project. Because most experiments are accomplished with limited GPUs and batch settings. If your batch size is very small, such as 16 or 8 in total, we recommend reducing the learning rate to 5e-4 or 3e-4 and learning more steps instead.

Parskatt commented 2 days ago
