maybegreat48 / GTA-V-Script-Decompiler

A program that can decompile script resource (ysc) files for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2
67 stars 20 forks source link

Not Sure Whats Wrong? #10

Closed dr-NHA closed 1 year ago

dr-NHA commented 1 year ago

Tried Decompiling abigail1_ysc\abigail1.ysc.full System.Exception: Return Expected at Decompiler.ScriptFile.AddFunction(Int32 start1, Int32 start2) in D:\a\GTA-V-Script-Decompiler\GTA-V-Script-Decompiler\GTA V Script Decompiler\ScriptFile.cs:line 200 at Decompiler.ScriptFile.GetFunctions() in D:\a\GTA-V-Script-Decompiler\GTA-V-Script-Decompiler\GTA V Script Decompiler\ScriptFile.cs:line 277 at Decompiler.ScriptFile.Decompile(ProgressBar bar) in D:\a\GTA-V-Script-Decompiler\GTA-V-Script-Decompiler\GTA V Script Decompiler\ScriptFile.cs:line 54 at Decompiler.MainForm.openToolStripMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:\a\GTA-V-Script-Decompiler\GTA-V-Script-Decompiler\GTA V Script Decompiler\MainForm.cs:line 104 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__128_0(Object state)

Not Sure What U May Need Please Let Me Know :)

FahQGrantRawlings commented 1 year ago

What's wrong is these guys steal everything from other people and claim it as their own. Their scripts are as garbage as their Forza tool. These guys code backdoors and rats into everything they can.

maybegreat48 commented 1 year ago

Are you compiling from source? The releases are outdated

dr-NHA commented 1 year ago

Yeah Compiled From Source And Still Not Working, Ive Ended Up Using Sainan's As It Works 1000x Better And Gives Clean Dumps That Im Used To Seeing :)