It is currently possible to create Multiple identical records for the same 'Partij'
As a replacement story for #241 we should create a more intelligent enforcement of uniqueness for partij. Depending on the used identificatoren for a Partij, different logic should be applied to make sure a single Partij is only created once.
Any BSN can only be occur once (persons)
Any KVK-nummerwithout an added for the same Partij vestigingsnummer can only occur once. (organisation types like 'stichting')
A combination of KVK-nummerANDvestigingsnummer can only occur once (vestigingen)
Toegevoegde waarde / Added value
The value of an identificator should be that it actually functions as a unique identifier, both for developer experience (no difficult-to-resolve edge-cases to handle), but it would also improve the data quality (less chance of spurious duplicates). This would be complementary to .
Thema / Theme
Klantinteracties API
Omschrijving / Description
It is currently possible to create Multiple identical records for the same 'Partij'
As a replacement story for #241 we should create a more intelligent enforcement of uniqueness for partij. Depending on the used identificatoren for a Partij, different logic should be applied to make sure a single Partij is only created once.
Toegevoegde waarde / Added value
The value of an identificator should be that it actually functions as a unique identifier, both for developer experience (no difficult-to-resolve edge-cases to handle), but it would also improve the data quality (less chance of spurious duplicates). This would be complementary to .
Aanvullende opmerkingen / Additional context
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