volgens de semantics van OAS 3 is het niet verplicht om niet-required velden terug te geven
beste route hier is om zgw-consumers te patchen met een default factory voor optionele velden, lijkt me
A broader issue is that DRF translates blank=False to required=True in the OAS
As discussed zgw-consumers errors when a ZGW server doesn't return all the expected fields in the api model:
This came up in OIP: https://taiga.maykinmedia.nl/project/open-inwoner/issue/773 and is patched in OIP using derived dataclasses: https://github.com/maykinmedia/open-inwoner/pull/305/files
As mentioned in Slack on today / 5 sept:
A broader issue is that DRF translates blank=False to required=True in the OAS