mayokunadeniyi / Instant-Weather

An Android weather application implemented using the MVVM pattern, Retrofit2, Dagger Hilt, LiveData, ViewModel, Coroutines, Room, Navigation Components, Data Binding and some other libraries from the Android Jetpack.
MIT License
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Added new preference for viewing temperature in Fahrenheits. #23

Closed abhishekjagushte closed 3 years ago

abhishekjagushte commented 3 years ago

To change the settings, just go to the settings fragment from the bottom navigation view and select the temperature unit option. There are two options over there, one for Celsius and one for Fahrenheits. Changing this changes the units of all the temperature values across the application!

Below are the screenshots:

Screenshot_1605036375 Screenshot_1605036386 Screenshot_1605036392 Screenshot_1605036402 Screenshot_1605036407 Screenshot_1605036410

abhishekjagushte commented 3 years ago

Hey can you help me in resolving the build errors. I have implemented the feature and tested it properly, you can refer the above screenshots! #11

mayokunadeniyi commented 3 years ago

Hey can you help me in resolving the build errors. I have implemented the feature and tested it properly, you can refer the above screenshots! #11

Hi @abhishekjagushte first of, thank you so much for taking out time to build out this feature! It is super great and useful. Secondly, so sorry about the build failure, I added some API keys as secrets to the repo here and GitHub Actions doesn't make them available to forked copies of this project hence, the build will fail on your end as expected. I've gone through the build logs to ascertain the failure was because the keys weren't available so we are all good 👍 . I would review the code and definitely get it merged 💯 . Thank you! :)

abhishekjagushte commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Learnt a lot from your work!!

mayokunadeniyi commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Learnt a lot from your work!!

Awesome! Glad you did 💯