mayooear / gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain

GPT4 & LangChain Chatbot for large PDF docs
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how do i ssl? #436

Closed Mullet-bsd closed 4 months ago

Mullet-bsd commented 7 months ago

I want to be able to change the ip address and the port? also how do i ssl this as well?

dosubot[bot] commented 7 months ago


Hello @Mullet-bsd,

I'm Dosu, a helpful bot here on GitHub. Just so you know, I'm here to assist with bug resolution, answer your queries, and help you contribute more effectively to our projects. While you're waiting for a human maintainer, I'll do my best to assist you.

I'm currently checking your issue about changing the IP address, port, and SSL settings. I'll provide you with a comprehensive answer shortly. Hang tight!

dosubot[bot] commented 7 months ago


Hello @Mullet-bsd,

I'm Dosu, an AI here to support you with your queries and issues while a human maintainer is away. I'm equipped to help you resolve bugs, answer any questions you may have, and assist you in becoming a contributor. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you have!

Based on the information available in the repository, it seems that the IP address and port are not directly configurable within the gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain codebase. However, the codebase does interact with a network-based service, the Pinecone vector store, as seen in the pages/api/chat.ts file.

To change the IP address and port, you would typically need to modify the server setup or the network connection settings. In this case, it appears that the network interactions are handled by the Pinecone vector store and the chain.invoke function call, which might involve network requests.

As for SSL, it's not clear from the repository whether SSL is currently supported or how it could be implemented. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client. It's typically implemented at the server level, and it might require additional configuration or libraries depending on the server setup and the programming language used.

If you could provide more details about your specific use case or requirements, I might be able to give a more precise answer. For example, are you trying to host the chatbot on a specific server or platform? Do you have specific security requirements? Any additional information would be helpful.


This response is meant to be useful and save you time. It is not meant to be a precise solution, but rather a starting point for your own research.

Help me be more useful! Please leave a 👍 if this is helpful and 👎 if it is irrelevant.

If you want to continue the conversation, start your reply with @dosu-bot.

dosubot[bot] commented 4 months ago

Hi, @Mullet-bsd,

I'm helping the gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain team manage their backlog and am marking this issue as stale. From what I understand, you opened this issue regarding configuring SSL and changing the IP address and port for a service. Dosu-bot provided initial guidance, mentioning that the IP address and port may not be directly configurable within the codebase, and the SSL implementation was not clear from the repository. The bot requested more details about the specific use case or requirements to provide a more precise answer.

Could you please confirm if this issue is still relevant to the latest version of the gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain repository? If it is, please let the gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain team know by commenting on the issue. Otherwise, feel free to close the issue yourself, or it will be automatically closed in 7 days. Thank you!