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error PineconeConnectionError #464

Open uteitler opened 2 months ago

uteitler commented 2 months ago

I finally managed to injest (serverless does not work), I run "npm run dev" and the GUI spins up in local host as soon as I type something in I get this error.

The env is obviously OK as the injest worked ok .. any ideas?

error PineconeConnectionError: Request failed to reach Pinecone. Verify you have the correct environment, project id, and index name configured. at C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\errors\handling.js:52:39 at step (C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\errors\handling.js:33:23) at (C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\errors\handling.js:14:53) at C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\errors\handling.js:8:71 at new Promise () at awaiter (C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\errors\handling.js:4:12) at handleFetchError (C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\errors\handling.js:47:67) at C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\errors\handling.js:62:71 at step (C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\errors\handling.js:33:23) at (C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\errors\handling.js:14:53) at C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\errors\handling.js:8:71 at new Promise () at awaiter (C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\errors\handling.js:4:12) at handleApiError (C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\errors\handling.js:59:59) at QueryCommand. (C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\data\query.js:94:74) at step (C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\data\query.js:44:23) at Object.throw (C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\data\query.js:25:53) at rejected (C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\gpt4pdf\node_modules\@pinecone-database\pinecone\dist\data\query.js:17:65) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

dosubot[bot] commented 2 months ago

Hey @uteitler, great to see you back here tackling new challenges! 🚀

Based on the context provided, the PineconeConnectionError you're encountering when running "npm run dev" after successfully ingesting data into Pinecone, despite having the correct environment settings, could be due to the asynchronous initialization of the Pinecone client in the initPinecone function and its export.

The issue arises because the initPinecone function is asynchronous and is awaited outside of an async function at the module level. This pattern can lead to unhandled promise rejections if the Pinecone client fails to initialize for any reason (e.g., network issues, incorrect API key, downtime, etc.). Additionally, if the consuming code tries to use the exported pinecone client before it has been fully initialized, it could lead to runtime errors, including connection errors.

To resolve this issue, consider exporting a function that initializes the Pinecone client on-demand and ensures that it is properly awaited before use. This approach allows for better error handling and ensures that the client is fully initialized before any operations are attempted. Here's how you can modify your code:

import { Pinecone } from '@pinecone-database/pinecone';

if (!process.env.PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT || !process.env.PINECONE_API_KEY) {
  throw new Error('Pinecone environment or api key vars missing');

async function initPinecone() {
  try {
    const pinecone = new Pinecone({
      environment: process.env.PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT ?? '',
      apiKey: process.env.PINECONE_API_KEY ?? '',

    // You might want to add any initialization logic here, e.g., verifying the connection

    return pinecone;
  } catch (error) {
    console.log('error', error);
    throw new Error('Failed to initialize Pinecone Client');

// Export the init function instead of the client instance
export const getPineconeClient = initPinecone;

With this change, you would use getPineconeClient in your application like so:

import { getPineconeClient } from './utils/pinecone-client';

async function someFunction() {
  const pinecone = await getPineconeClient();
  // Use the pinecone client for your operations here

This ensures that the Pinecone client is initialized and ready before any operations are performed, reducing the likelihood of connection errors due to initialization issues. You can refer to the utils/pinecone-client.ts file for more details.

Regarding the @pinecone-database/pinecone module version 1.1.0 that you're using, I couldn't find any known issues or bugs that could be causing the PineconeConnectionError. However, it's always a good idea to check the latest version and update if necessary, as newer versions often come with bug fixes and improvements.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions or if the issue persists, please provide more details so I can assist you better.


#### About Dosu This response is meant to be useful and save you time. It is **not meant to be a precise solution**, but rather a starting point for your own research. Help me be more useful! Please leave a 👍 if this is helpful and 👎 if it is irrelevant. If you want to continue the conversation, start your reply with @dosu-bot.