mayoverse / kinship2

Pedigree creation, plotting, and analytics
GNU General Public License v2.0
13 stars 7 forks source link

Interactive pedigree plots #3

Open bernardbeckerman opened 3 years ago

bernardbeckerman commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

I've found this package really useful! I especially love the pedigree plots, and was able to use this package along with plotly to make an interactive plot for personal use. I would love to clean up this code and contribute it to the package if that might be possible. If it doesn't make sense to contribute an exported function (e.g., to avoid a dependency on plotly), I'm happy to contribute a vignette or something. Please let me know what might be most suitable, and thanks so much for open sourcing this extremely useful package!



EDIT: I forgot to mention that this enables hovertext with additional information available for each person.

sinnweja commented 3 years ago

Bernie, that sounds awesome! I really need to do a mass update of the package. I am shooting for doing that in the next week. That said, I agree that it will probably be best to start with a vignette, so that we do not have it depend on plotly. Let's work to make sure you get added as a contributor here on github, and make this work. -Jason

InsMoreno commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the great package! I am seeking advice on how to add text to a pedigree plot... For example I would like to add the names of the packs on the descending branch from the parents to the offsprings like that:

Capture d’écran 2023-02-03 à 17 00 22

I couldn't find a solution... Could you please advice me how to do so? @bernardbeckerman could you please advise/guide me on how to use plotly along with the pedigree plot to make an interactive plot?

Best wishes,
