maypok86 / otter

A high performance lockless cache for Go.
Apache License 2.0
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v2 contracts #74

Open maypok86 opened 4 months ago

maypok86 commented 4 months ago

Just random thoughts about new contracts...

maypok86 commented 4 months ago

The approximate api of the builder.

type Builder[K comparable, V any] interface {
    // It seems better to separate cost and size after all.
    // In the experience of ristretto and communication with otter users,
    // people do not perceive specifying this with one parameter well.
    // Also, with this api, we will be able to prohibit the simultaneous use of the MaximumSize and Cost functions.
    MaximumSize(maximumSize int) Builder[K, V]
    MaximumCost(maximumCost int) Builder[K, V]
    CollectStats() Builder[K, V]
    InitialCapacity(initialCapacity int) Builder[K, V]
    Cost(costFunc func(key K, value V) uint32) Builder[K, V]
    DeletionListener(deletionListener func(key K, value V, cause DeletionCause)) Builder[K, V]
    // We are slightly reducing the cognitive load on the user.
    TTL(ttl time.Duration) Builder[K, V]
    // It seems that the use of a variable ttl is almost never required and
    // the user should have at least some rule by which he wants to calculate the ttl.
    // In principle, Set(key, value, ttl) can be transferred to Extension.
    // It also becomes more difficult to use it when it is not needed. :)
    VarTTL(ttlFunc func(key K, value V) uint32) Builder[K, V]
    Build() (Cache[K, V], error)

func NewBuilder[K comparable, V any]() Builder[K, V] {
maypok86 commented 4 months ago
type Cache[K comparable, V any] interface {
    Has(key K) bool
    Get(key K) (V, bool)
    Set(key K, value V) bool
    // the existing value?
    // I also want to return the previous value, but then how to take into account the rejection due to the size?
    SetIfAbsent(key K, value V) bool
    Delete(key K)
    DeleteByFunc(f func(key K, value V) bool)
    Range(f func(key K, value V) bool)
    Size() int
    Stats() Stats
    Extension() Extension[K, V]
ben-manes commented 4 months ago

I'd vote for changing terms from cost to weight for clarity, so it becomes MaximumWeight and Weigher(func) in the builder snippet above. (I just think cost is a more confusing term as be confused with the latency / miss penalty to fetch the item)

TTL is pretty well known term, but what "live" means depends on the implementation. Some use "time since creation" whereas others use "time since last write". Or sometime people will say TTL as the time for the client receiving it, like an http expiry duration header. So I think the acronym could be misinterpreted vs a more generic term like expiration.

Close() is there state requiring a lifecycle termination? That can be fair, just more error prone in my experience when users think of an on-heap cache and discard by GC like any other Map.

maypok86 commented 4 months ago

It may be worth stopping returning bool in case of rejections. Then the API will become a little simpler. Still, otter guarantees that it can reject an item only because of the eviction policy, and not as a ristretto because of contention.

type Cache[K comparable, V any] interface {
    Set(key K, value V)
    SetIfAbsent(key K, value V) (V, bool)
maypok86 commented 4 months ago

I'd vote for changing terms from cost to weight for clarity

It doesn't really matter to me here. It can be replaced with weight.

TTL is pretty well known term, but what "live" means depends on the implementation.

Oh, that's the truth. I have not yet seen any implementation on Go that uses "expire after last access". Except, goburrow, but it explicitly separates this from "expire after create/last write".

But if we separate the different versions by

  1. ExpireAfterCreate
  2. ExpireAfterWrite
  3. ExpireAfterAccess

I need to answer one question. Can these functions be used for a single cache instance? It seems to me that this is absolutely useless, but if there is some kind of use case, then there will be a very unpleasant problem with the expiration policy with a variable ttl. And in fact, a similar problem is very likely to be in LoadingCache, but with Loader.

type Builder[K comparable, V any] interface {
    ExpireAfterCreate(duration time.Duration) Builder[K, V]
    ExpireAfterWrite(duration time.Duration) Builder[K, V]
    ExpireAfterAccess(duration time.Duration) Builder[K, V]
    ExpireAfter(/* what??? */) Builder[K, V]

It seems that there is a need to use an interface with several methods. But

  1. What if one function is needed? Okay, we can use a structure that implements this interface and make a constructor for it.
  2. And if there are two or three? Making implementations for all variants does not look like a good solution, also it is impossible to create an anonymous structure with methods in Go and in the end it will look terrible.

Ideally, we would avoid using the same interface for all three functions.

Could it be something like that?

type Builder[K comparable, V any] interface {
    ExpireAfter(opts ...ExpiryOption[K, V]) Builder[K, V]

type ExpiryOption[K comparable, V any] func(*expiry[K, V])

But this again looks doubtful.

Close() is there state requiring a lifecycle termination?

Yes, goroutine is used for the worker.

In general, the use of Close can be avoided using runtime.SetFinalizer. I was thinking about it once and decided that Close is a little better. But it has one big drawback. The user can just forget about it. So perhaps it would be more friendly to just automatically clean up resources. Moreover, it seems that a manual Close call is really required only when you need to understand whether an object is closed or not. Cache doesn't seem to need it.

ben-manes commented 4 months ago

Can these functions be used for a single cache instance?

They shouldn't be. Guava/Caffeine allow it prior to variable support and naivety as it seemed to have little cost, but I'd stop allowing multiple expiration policies if possible. Usually users seem to set both expireAfterAccess and expireAfterWrite to the same fixed value for zero benefit.

It seems that there is a need to use an interface with several methods.

Right, I have an expiry interface with create, update, read methods.

Ideally it would be on the builder for easiest discovery where all of the options funnel into variable expiration. You can see the discussion in, as users often made mistakes with the interface and of course it was pretty verbose.

If I could start anew then I'd make it convenient and fail at runtime if multiple where selected

Caffeine.newBuilder() // user can chose one 
    .expireAfterCreate((K key, V value) -> duration)
    .expireAfterWrite((K key, V value) -> duration)
    .expireAfterAccess((K key, V value) -> duration)
    .expireAfter(new Expiry...)

For backwards compatibility I went with static factories on the interface so they can do one of,

.expireAfter(Expiry.creating((Key key, Graph graph) -> duration))
.expireAfter(Expiry.writing((Key key, Graph graph) -> duration))
.expireAfter(Expiry.accessing((Key key, Graph graph) -> duration))

They can define their own Expiry as needed, but the create / write / access functions should cover most cases and be less error prone. The existing fixed policies, expireAfterWrite and expireAfterAccess, remain as is using the non-timerwheel logic where both can unfortunately be selected.

Yes, goroutine is used for the worker.

Does that need to be long-lived? I use a state machine to schedule the maintenance worker so only one should be in-flight. This submits a task to an Executor, so users can chose between OS threads, virtual threads, or run it on the calling thread. Is there a good reason to not create a new goroutine each time the maintenance is scheduled instead of reusing it?

I'd avoid finalizers, as at least in Java they are considered a misfeature and are being deprecated for removal. However java offers other options like weak and phantom references that cover the clean up needs better, without penalizing the GC or quirks like object resurrection. Maybe they're cleaner in Go.

maypok86 commented 4 months ago

They shouldn't be.

Great, then this simplifies the situation a bit.

.expireAfterCreate((K key, V value) -> duration)

There is a small problem. There is no method overloading in Go and it even makes sense. If we can do without ExpireAfter, then ideally we would come up with a good name for ExpireAfter* with a lambda.

What about this?

  1. VarExpireAfter*
  2. ExpireAfter*Func

Does that need to be long-lived?

Actually, no, that's largely why I asked about removing goroutines, but most likely I didn't formulate it very clearly.

It would be cool to abandon this, but so far I don't understand the benefits for users from this, unlike adding LoadingCache and increasing the hit ratio. Also, at the moment, a ticker in the background is being used to get the time faster. It also needs to be stopped.

In fact, finalizers are incredibly often used when working with cgo. Moreover, there are simply no other good ways to clean up resources other than finalizers and Close in Go.

maypok86 commented 4 months ago

Yeah, LoadingCache is really complicated.

type LoadingCache[K comparable, V any] interface {
    Get(ctx context.Context, key K) (V, error)
    BulkGet(ctx context.Context, keys []K) (map[K]V, error)
    // extension?
    Extension() LoadingExtension[K, V]

type LoadingExtension[K comparable, V any] interface {
    GetQuietly(ctx context.Context, key K) (V, error)
    GetEntry(ctx context.Context, key K) (Entry[K, V], error)
    GetEntryQuietly(ctx context.Context, key K) (Entry[K, V], error)

// :(

type SingleLoader[K comparable, V any] interface {
    Load(ctx context.Context, key K) (V, error)

type BulkLoader[K comparable, V any] interface {
    BulkLoad(ctx context.Context, keys []K) (map[K]V, error)

type SingleBulkLoader[K comparable, V any] interface {
    SingleLoader[K, V]
    BulkLoader[K, V]

type Builder[K comparable, V any] interface {
    // and we are trying to cast to the BulkLoader inside,
    // otherwise we use the standard implementation of BulkLoad.
    BuildLoading(loader SingleLoader[K, V]) (LoadingCache[K, V], error)
ben-manes commented 4 months ago


This seems more obvious, not sure about Go idioms if that is a common naming style.

LoadingCache is really complicated.

Unfortunately Go api design is outside my expertise. I was able to use Java features to layer it in a way to reduce user complexity, e.g. using default methods. The context wasn't needed since Java typically is paired with dependency injection with request-scoped providers, e.g. to get the logged in user bound to that thread. If not, then the user likely will use a loading get(key, func) instead of a LoadingCache where they'll only miss out on the refreshAfterWrite feature. I don't know if that context param makes automatic refreshing incompatible with Go idioms. If so, then you might prefer instead adding a loading get and getAll to the Cache interface?

maypok86 commented 4 months ago

The main problem is that context.Context is often used for the following things:

  1. Timeout
  2. Storage of various meta-information. Fields for logging and tracing, etc.

Since it changes from request to request, it should also be used in loader.

And the idea of casting the interface is actually often used in the standard library. For example, here.

I need to think about it, but at least the loss of timeouts, spans and information in the logs look very critical.

ben-manes commented 4 months ago

It sounds like LoadingCache might not be a good fit for now, but putting loading methods on the Cache interface would work nicely. If later the LoadingCache is helpful then you can offer that as an API improvement without much new functionality. From gpt it might look like,

func GetIfPresent(key K) (V, bool)
func Get(ctx context.Context, key K, mappingFunction func(K) V) (V, error)
func GetAll(ctx context.Context, keys []K, mappingFunction func([]K) map[K]V) (map[K]V, error)
proost commented 4 months ago

if Extension method and LoadingCache methods are coexist on the Cache interface, bit confused to me. Because why GetQuietly, GetEntry, GetEntryQuitely methods can't be on the Cache interface. I think, Loader as a parameter in Builder method is not bad idea. Some library alread did.

maypok86 commented 4 months ago

To be honest, I didn't really understand :(.

Why do I need to specify the loader every time I use the method?

type (
    LoaderFunc[K comparable, V any]     func(ctx context.Context, key K) (V, error)
    BulkLoaderFunc[K comparable, V any] func(ctx context.Context, keys []K) (map[K]V, error)

type Cache[K comparable, V any] interface {
    Has(key K) bool
    Get(key K) (V, bool)
    BulkGet(keys []K) (map[K]V, bool)
    // We are trying to use the loader passed when creating the cache instance,
    // if nothing was passed to Load.
    // But what if the loader has not been passed anywhere?
    Load(ctx context.Context, key K, loader ...LoaderFunc[K, V]) (V, error)
    BulkLoad(ctx context.Context, keys []K, bulkLoader ...BulkLoaderFunc[K, V]) (map[K]V, error)

Or we can even use a more canonical `Option'. Unfortunately, this is one allocation per request.

Load(ctx context.Context, key K, opts ...LoadOption[K, V]) (V, error)
BulkLoad(ctx context.Context, keys []K, opts ...LoadOption[K, V]) (map[K]V, error)

But what to do with the methods in the Extension is not very clear. It seems they don't need to have a Load version. And we can leave everything as it is.

It is also interesting what needs to be done to allow the use of explicit ttl. We can hide this in the Extension, the problem is that when creating a cache, we need to know that a individual ttl will be used for each entry. Of course, we can ask to specify ExpireAfter*Func, but this is not intuitive at all.

@proost for me, the methods in Extension allow bypassing the standard cache API (getting a full entry, getting data without updating statistics and eviction policy, explicitly passing ttl).

For the user, Load only automatically downloads data from an external source if nothing is found.

Although with the integration of the API, the line is really blurred.

maypok86 commented 4 months ago

Also, if we use Get and Load in the same type, it may be better to use a more common Option when creating a cache instead of a builder. The only thing I don't like about options is the requirement to specify useless generic types.

WithMaximumSize[K, V](1000)

I used the builder to create a more typed cache and add LoadingCache more easily, but it turned out to be difficult to add new features :( (you need to add the same function in a lot of places).

rueian commented 4 months ago

It may be worth stopping returning bool in case of rejections. Then the API will become a little simpler. Still, otter guarantees that it can reject an item only because of the eviction policy.

When I was trying to make SetIfAbsent(key K, value V) return (V, bool), the rejection of exceeding the MaxAvailableCost blocked me. There is also a potential issue related to the rejection if users want to implement their own loading cache like me.

In terms of the API SetIfAbsent(key K, value V) (V, bool), I think users would only expect the following two return cases:

  1. (newly setted V, true)
  2. (existing V, false)

That is, if the second returned value is false, users will expect the first returned value to be the V already in the cache. However, in case of rejection, there can be no such V in the cache and users have no way to tell.

If we want to keep the rejection behavior, I think a slightly complicated API is needed, such as SetIfAbsent(key K, value V) (V, int) where some specific int can be used to indicate rejection.

rueian commented 4 months ago

To be honest, I didn't really understand :(.

Why do I need to specify the loader every time I use the method?

I guess, it has something to do with developer experience. Many times, it is hard to prepare the loader function at initialization. Or the loader function may need some conditional dependencies that can't be determined at initialization.

ben-manes commented 4 months ago

That is, if the second returned value is false, users will expect the first returned value to be the V already in the cache. However, in case of rejection, there can be no such V in the cache and users have no way to tell.

Since the entry hangs around until GC'd anyway, it didn't seem too awful to me to handle the rejection within the eviction policy logic instead of at the map insertion. The add / update tasks shuffle an entry that is too large for immediate eviction to avoid flushing the cache. Then it is handled however the entry was added (load, put, replace), its linearizable, and simple to understand. I think the only immediate rejection that I do is for AsyncCache when inserting a completed and failed future value, but that's quite minor since it has the callback handler otherwise if it fails after insert.

maypok86 commented 4 months ago

In terms of the API SetIfAbsent(key K, value V) (V, bool), I think users would only expect the following two return cases:

@rueian Yes, it seems like a good solution.

I guess, it has something to do with developer experience. Many times, it is hard to prepare the loader function at initialization. Or the loader function may need some conditional dependencies that can't be determined at initialization.

This is true, but I was referring specifically to the requirement of specifying a loader.

That is, instead of

Load(ctx context.Context, key K, loader LoaderFunc[K, V]) (V, error)

it seems better to optionally handle loader

Load(ctx context.Context, key K, loader ...LoaderFunc[K, V]) (V, error)

But it's very likely a special effect from ChatGPT. But something bothers me much more. What should we do if loader was not passed either in the builder and explicitly in the function? It seems easiest to just return some kind of predefined error.

maypok86 commented 4 months ago

About LoadingCache

I've been thinking about LoadingCache for a long time and here's a little observation.

type LoadingCache[K comparable, V any] interface {
    Get(ctx context.Context, key K) (V, error)
    BulkGet(ctx context.Context, keys []K) (map[K]V, error)
    // extension?
    Extension() LoadingExtension[K, V]

type LoadingExtension[K comparable, V any] interface {
    GetQuietly(ctx context.Context, key K) (V, error)
    GetEntry(ctx context.Context, key K) (Entry[K, V], error)
    GetEntryQuietly(ctx context.Context, key K) (Entry[K, V], error)

For me, the main problem with the API that originally came to my mind is LoadingExtension, but it looks like it's just not needed. GetQuietly/GetEntryQuietly are just getting from the hash table, they don't need a loader. Loader is needed exclusively for GetEntry, but in principle it can be removed. I added it only as a small syntactic sugar. Other methods in Extension are very unlikely to require using loader internally.

Separate LoadingCache vs Cache with Load methods

Perhaps the main dilemma.

It seems that both options have their pros and cons.




In fact, I've never seen anything like Promise/Future used in Go (except for the very rare return of channels), but it would be cool to be able to do something like that. Only I also haven't seen any issue about it in other caches, but okay.

Cache with Load methods




Could it really be possible to add options to various methods instead of explicitly passing loader (it will also be possible to add additional features with ease)? This is a canonical method that is used in many projects and is well known in Go. Also, additional allocation for options can be avoided using sync.Pool.

type Option[K comparable, V any] func(*options[K, V])

type Cache[K comparable, V any] interface {
    Get(key K, opts ...Option[K, V]) (V, ok)
    Load(ctx context.Context, key K, opts ...Option[K, V]) (V, error)

Explicit TTL

It is unclear what to do with this...

What is the best way to allow explicit ttl setting for each entry? The main problem is that otter needs to know when creating that the ttl for each entry may be different, but the user still does not have a function for calculating it. We can add this to the Extension or just take it from the options, but how should the user create a cache in this case?

Builder vs Options

In Go, people use options more often than builders, although I don't like how generic options look. How do you like these two alternatives?

cache, err := otter.NewCache[int, int](
    WithMaximumSize[int, int](1000),
    WithExpireAfterWrite[int, int](time.Hour),
    WithCollectStats[int, int](),


cache, err := otter.NewBuilder[int, int]().

I still think the builder is a little more beautiful.

maypok86 commented 4 months ago

In the case of LoadingCache, I'm still leaning towards something like this.

cache, err := otter.NewBuilder[int, int]().
    Loader(func(ctx context.Context, key K) (V, error) {
    BulkLoader(func(ctx context.Context, keys []K) (map[K]V, error) {
ben-manes commented 4 months ago

JCache is an alternative standardized Java api which I don't like, but might be a helpful reference. They have a more powerful loader called EntryProcessor which computes around the entry for CRUD and metadata changes. Here's a tutorial from one of the implementers. They allow for the cache to be built with a loader and writer, so the api is just get and put methods. It makes the caller not know if the data was fetched (null means absent locally or in system of record?). They also view a cache as very distinct from a map, whereas I think devs know their core collection interfaces very well so its intuitive to extend that concept. Anyway, API design is all opinion and maybe you'll prefer theirs.

maypok86 commented 4 months ago

JCache is an alternative standardized Java api

To be honest, it looks overloaded.

Actually, I quite like the alternative with options, but I'm still not completely sure about this decision and I want to hear someone else's opinion.

Of course, this approach has drawbacks, but in my opinion it looks quite good. The only thing that bothers me a little is the use of sync.Pool for Get operations, but

  1. The use of options is very rarely required.
  2. There is often a fastpath.
  3. sync.Pool is a thread-local storage after all. There should not be a significant decrease in throughput (there should definitely be more than 75+ million qps, but this should be checked).


type GetOption[K comparable, V any] func(*getOptions[K, V])

func WithRecordStats[K comparable, V any](recordStats bool) GetOption[K, V] {
    return func(o *getOptions[K, V]) {
        o.recordStats = recordStats

func WithQuietly[K comparable, V any]() GetOption[K, V] {
    return func(o *getOptions[K, V]) {
        o.isQuietly = true

func WithLoader[K comparable, V any](loader func(ctx context.Context, key K) (V, error)) GetOption[K, V] {
    return func(o *getOptions) {
        o.loader = loader

type SetOption[K comparable, V any] func(*setOptions[K, V])

func WithTTL[K comparable, V any](duration time.Duration) SetOption[K, V] {
    return func(so *setOptions[K, V]) {
        so.ttl = duration


type basicCache[K comparable, V any] interface {
    Set(key K, value V, opts ...SetOption[K, V])
    SetIfAbsent(key K, value V, opts ...SetOption[K, V]) (V, bool)
    Delete(key K)
    DeleteByFunc(f func(key K, value V) bool)
    Range(f func(key K, value V) bool)
    Size() int
    Stats() Stats

type Cache[K comparable, V any] interface {
    basicCache[K, V]
    Has(key K, opts ...GetOption[K, V]) bool
    Get(key K, opts ...GetOption[K, V]) (V, bool)
    GetEntry(key K, opts ...GetOption[K, V]) (Entry[K, V], bool)
    BulkGet(keys []K, opts ...GetOption[K, V]) (map[K]V, bool)

type LoadingCache[K comparable, V any] interface {
    basicCache[K, V]
    Get(ctx context.Context, key K, opts ...GetOption[K, V]) (V, error)
    GetEntry(ctx context.Context, key K, opts ...GetOption[K, V]) (Entry[K, V], error)
    BulkGet(ctx context.Context, key K, opts ...GetOption[K, V]) (map[K]V, error)


type Builder[K comparable, V any] interface {
    MaximumSize(maximumSize int) Builder[K, V]
    MaximumWeight(maximumWeight int) Builder[K, V]
    CollectStats() Builder[K, V]
    InitialCapacity(initialCapacity int) Builder[K, V]
    Weigher(weigher func(key K, value V) uint32) Builder[K, V]
    DeletionListener(deletionListener func(key K, value V, cause DeletionCause)) Builder[K, V]
    ExpireAfterCreate(duration time.Duration) Builder[K, V]
    ExplicitExpireAfterCreate() Builder[K, V]
    ExpireAfterWrite(duration time.Duration) Builder[K, V]
    ExplicitExpireAfterWrite() Builder[K, V]
    ExpireAfterAccess(duration time.Duration) Builder[K, V]
    ExplicitExpireAfterAccess() Builder[K, V]
    Loader(loader func(ctx context.Context, key K) (V, error)) Builder[K, V]
    BulkLoader(bulkLoader func(ctx context.Context, keys []K) (map[K]V, error)) Builder[K, V]
    Build() (Cache[K, V], error)
    BuildLoading() (LoadingCache[K, V], error)


// get quietly
value, ok := cache.Get(key, otter.WithQuietly[K, V]())

// explicit ttl
cache, err := otter.NewBuilder[int, int]().
cache.Set(key, value, otter.WithTTL[int, int](time.Hour))

// loader
loader := ...

cache.Get(ctx, key, otter.WithLoader(loader))
rueian commented 3 months ago

The main problem is that otter needs to know when creating that the ttl for each entry may be different, but the user still does not have a function for calculating it. We can add this to the Extension or just take it from the options

How about letting the loader return TTL as well? I think, in many cases, TTL can only be known when loading the entry.

Loader(loader func(ctx context.Context, key K) (V, time.Duration, error)) Builder[K, V]
BulkLoader(bulkLoader func(ctx context.Context, keys []K) (map[K]WithTTL[V], error)) Builder[K, V]
maypok86 commented 3 months ago

Oh, I can hardly imagine cases in which the ttl is not known in advance. It seems that in such cases, network requests are not needed and such a function in the builder is enough.

type Builder[K comparable, V any] interface {
    ExpireAfterCreateFunc(f func(key K, value V) time.Duration) Builder[K, V]

And when the ttl is returned in the loader, it is unlikely that the user will understand what needs to be returned as ttl there if it is not used.

maypok86 commented 3 months ago

Okay, it seems that such an api should be good enough. So I can start developing.)

element-of-surprise commented 3 months ago

Was just reading this thread and saw that you want to go with "Go options" style, but don't want to pay the cost in allocations.

You can allocate the options on the stack in basically the same manner and save the allocation. Might fit your use case, might not, but threw up an example for you:

Happy coding.

maypok86 commented 3 months ago

Haha, it really works. I tried to allocate on the stack and pass a pointer, but it leaked onto the heap and I didn't try to fix the escape analysis decision somehow.

Thank you very much! I have almost no free time for otter right now, but I hope there will be more of it later and I will release v2 anyway. :(

element-of-surprise commented 3 months ago

Trick I came up a while ago. Was working on something where I spent so much time getting rid of allocations, allocating the options seemed a bad idea. And I get the time thing, have a lot of that problem. Cheers!

ben-manes commented 2 months ago

sturdyc might be a helpful reference. It has loading, request coalescing (“buffering”), fallback caching (“passthrough”), and negative caching ("non-existent") but lacks good eviction/expiration. Their internal inFlight is a future and the missing record is an optional, which is how caffeine lets callers do these. Since that’s not idiomatic in go, their api does seem nice (as a non-go developer).