mazeller / FLUture

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octoFLU citation Update #43

Closed mazeller closed 4 years ago

mazeller commented 5 years ago

The 3rd citation of the HA Identity Tool page:

Chang, J., Anderson, T.K., Zeller, M.A., Gauger, P.C., and Vincent, A.L. (2019). “octoFLU: Automated classification to evolutionary origin of influenza A virus gene sequences detected in U.S. swine” Microbiology Resource Announcements XX:XX.

The XX:XX needs to be replaced, and should read as:

Chang, J., Anderson, T. K., Zeller, M. A., Gauger, P. C., & Vincent, A. L. (2019). "octoFLU: Automated Classification for the Evolutionary Origin of Influenza A Virus Gene Sequences Detected in US Swine" Microbiology Resource Announcements, 8(32), e00673-19.

*Maybe also consider finding all 3 of those citations in Google Scholar and consistantly citing them in APA.