mazen160 / shennina

Automating Host Exploitation with AI
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Issue with Exploitation mode #4

Closed alexiof1982 closed 1 year ago

alexiof1982 commented 1 year ago

Hi All,

Wonder if anyone could help with this issue if i run explotation mode i get a path not found error. I am guessing it is some issue with either permissions or a relative path issue. Anyone faced the same issue?


alexiof1982 commented 1 year ago


Me and a colleague looked together at this. It turns out that the pwn_model.h5 is created by the training mode if a vulnerability is found. So for anyone with the same symptoms try training mode first, if no available exploits are found - exploitation-mode will generate a similar message to what i got here. Though results may be very different for your setup i guess :)

