mazen160 / shennina

Automating Host Exploitation with AI
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Help on documentation #6

Open terriwill77 opened 1 year ago

terriwill77 commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone,

So I walked through shennina docs then got to the point I have been able to install it and initialize the exploits tree so stage 3.1.

I'm having at stage 4. some problems to understand the scanning, training and exploitation commands so these one :

$ ./ --lhost metasploit-ip --target target.local --service-scan-only $ ./ --lhost metasploit-ip --target target.local --use-cached-service-scan

$ ./ --training-mode --lhost lhost.local --target training-target.local

$ ./ --lhost lhost.local --target target.local --exploitation-mode

Can somebody explain to me how these commands works, what should(or can) be changed and show a practical examples with the possible outcomes please ?

Also are part 5 to 9 for information and more theoretical knowledge ?

Thanks :) Terri.