mazenrashed / Printooth

A well documented, high-level Android interface that makes printing via bluetooth printers easier
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Two Printables in same line won't dsiplay correct way #100

Open HIMESH1018 opened 1 year ago

HIMESH1018 commented 1 year ago
    val printableTotal = TextPrintable.Builder()

    val printableTotalValue = TextPrintable.Builder()

print ")

HIMESH1018 commented 1 year ago


SnapperNewbie commented 1 year ago

You have to format your string. I format my Strings in a method like this (32 Characters in Line for my Printer)

private String formatForColum (String item, String price) {
float f1 = Float.parseFloat(price);
String formattedPrice = String.format("%.02f", f1); //2 Decimals

String column1Format = "%-24.24s";  // fixed size 24 characters, left aligned
String column2Format = "%7.7s";   // fixed size 7 characters, right aligned
String formatInfo = column1Format + " " + column2Format;

return String.format(formatInfo, item, formattedPrice);