The ERP and CRM, multi language, for freelancers and solo entrepreneurs. Clients, Projects, Contracts, Task, Timesheet manager. Built on top of PHP, Laravel, FilamentPHP, Livewire and Sqlite.
I was trying to address partial issue #18 , but i not pretty sure if i had use best approach, i had a problem trying to create an activity log to FilamentComment, because the FilamentComment model came from filament package, and iam not be able to add a task relation to it. like i said probably there is a better approach, so if it really exists pls let me know, i would really appreciate it..
-> Create an Event service provider who listens to FilamentComment model creating action and add a log to a linked task searching by subject foreign key id.
Hey @nunomazer,
I was trying to address partial issue #18 , but i not pretty sure if i had use best approach, i had a problem trying to create an activity log to FilamentComment, because the FilamentComment model came from filament package, and iam not be able to add a task relation to it. like i said probably there is a better approach, so if it really exists pls let me know, i would really appreciate it..
-> Create an Event service provider who listens to FilamentComment model creating action and add a log to a linked task searching by subject foreign key id.