maziac / DeZog

Visual Studio Code Debugger for Z80/ZX Spectrum.
MIT License
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DeZog - Code/Data Reference Count Missing #103

Closed robgmoran closed 1 year ago

robgmoran commented 1 year ago

Bug: After installing DeZog v3.1.0 in Visual Studio Code 1.74.0, the reference count that proceeds Z80 code routines and data variables appears to have disappeared.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Load Z80 code in Visual Studio Code Reference count does not appear

Expected behavior A reference count label previously appeared before all routines and data variables, which could then be clicked to reveal the instances where this was referenced throughout the code.



maziac commented 1 year ago

I guess you are referring to asm-code-lens, not DeZog.

Both extensions were suffering from an incompatibily with vscode 1.74. DeZog 3.1.0 and asm-code-lens 2.1.0 should be compatible with 1.74.

Most probably you just need to update asm-code-lens.

maziac commented 1 year ago

Was probably an incompatibility with z80 micro assembler and as-Moll code lens.