maziac / DeZog

Visual Studio Code Debugger for Z80/ZX Spectrum.
MIT License
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Breakpoint display in disassembly might vanish #88

Closed maziac closed 1 year ago

maziac commented 2 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Step through code wo source code so that the disasm.list file is shown
  2. Put in some breakpoint: The breakpoint is visible and works
  3. Step through some other area wo source code
  4. After some time the contents of disasm.list file is re-arranged (this is normal, it does not keep track of all stepped memory)
  5. When this happens in an area where a breakpoint has been, the breakpoint cannot be seen anymore in vscode.

Note: the breakpoint is still there. The program stops execution, but it cannot be seen anymore because the file content changed.

maziac commented 1 year ago

Re-test with DeZog 3.0

maziac commented 1 year ago

Fixed: The breakpoint still vanishes from vscode but it also vanishes from DeZog. But only if the line/address does not exist anymore. Otherwise the breakpoint will remain.