maziac / DeZog

Visual Studio Code Debugger for Z80/ZX Spectrum.
MIT License
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z88dk: Support for parsing Z88DK `v2.2` .lis files. (Fixed in 3.0) #99

Closed h1romas4 closed 1 year ago

h1romas4 commented 1 year ago


The format of .lis files output by Z88DK v2.2 has changed since v2.1, and it seems that src/labels/z88dklabelparser.ts can no longer parse them.

I found the commit of this change.

Fix wrong list file output in macro expansions

Effect on z88dklabelparser.ts:


I did not know how to handle the backward compatibility and could not handle it myself. 😢

Best regards.

maziac commented 1 year ago

Hi, do you know why there are now 6 hex digits in z88dk? For the address they would require only 4, are the additional ones maybe used for the bank?

maziac commented 1 year ago

OK. This seems to be used for PHASE/DEPHASE support: Problem is: I can't find the spec for this. I.e. how is the 6 digit code encoded. If someone could help I could implement support for DeZog.

h1romas4 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for response!

I am sorry. I do not know where the 6-digit encoding is being used in z88dk.

In the test case PHASE/DEPHASE, Addressing more than 4 digits seems to generate an error.

z80asm_nok("", "", <<END_ASM, <<END_ERR);
        phase 65536
$test.asm:1: error: integer range: 0x10000
  ^---- phase 65536
maziac commented 1 year ago

Isn't there any documentation? Then I think it will be rather difficult to implement a parser for it.

h1romas4 commented 1 year ago

I could not find anything in it about the .lis format or about the maximum address value. The document I am referring to is as follows.

Tool z80asm:

Tool z80asm directives - PHASE expression ... DEPHASE:

Then I think it will be rather difficult to implement a parser for it.

I understand. Please close this ticket.

DeZog is a great software. I am so grateful to you.

maziac commented 1 year ago

I'm in contact with the author of z88dk-z80asm. Maybe I can support that file format in the upcoming DeZog 3.0.

h1romas4 commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much!!

I have confirmed that the format of the .lis file in the master branch of the z88dk is 4 digits.

maziac commented 1 year ago

Hi, could you maybe also try out this alternative: If that works as suggested, I could drop the support of z88dk in DeZog. I'e there would be other means to debug z88dk-z80asm code.

h1romas4 commented 1 year ago


I have confirmed that I can do a debug break on the Z88DK (clang) with the following combination.

While very useful for debugging clang programs, but there are some problems when debugging Assembly.

More than anything, I also wanted to use DeZog's excellent "memory view" and "memory layouts" features.

maziac commented 1 year ago

Oh, good. I was trying this myself but without success. Could you share your project (i.e. attach a zip of your project with .vscode folder, the sources and the map/lis files)?

h1romas4 commented 1 year ago

I have extracted the minimum number of files needed for a debug break from my vscode project. I am trying this out using MSX.


Extract noborunoca-debug.tar.gz and start MAME's gdbserver with the following command.(Please change the path accordingly)

mame [your MSX name] noborunoca -rompath ${workspaceFolder}/mics/mame/roms -hashpath ${workspaceFolder}/mics/mame/hash -debugger gdbstub -debug

and, Set breakpoints in VS Code. The first setting should be right after the main program starts (src/c/noborunoca.c:999).

Execute "Attach to MAME gdbserver" from VS Code Debug. The debug break will probably work.

If it doesn't work, please let me know.

maziac commented 1 year ago


What would be the [your MSX name]in

mame [your MSX name] noborunoca -rompath ${workspaceFolder}/mics/mame/roms -hashpath ${workspaceFolder}/mics/mame/hash -debugger gdbstub -debug


h1romas4 commented 1 year ago


Sorry for the lack of clarity.

[your MSX name] is [machine] name in MAME. Note that noborunoca corresponds to [software].

This command line option allows the software to be launched directly in MAME.

$ ./mame -showusage
Usage:  mame [machine] [media] [software] [options]

You can get the [machine] name from the following source NAME.

mame/src/mame/msx/msx1.cpp mame/src/mame/msx/msx2.cpp

I think it works by storing machine's ROM ([machine].zip) with the same name as the machine name in mics/mame/roms/.

maziac commented 1 year ago

Sorry for my lack of clarity. I know that it is the machine name, but which machine name should I use / have you used.

h1romas4 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I made a mistake in my understanding.

I am using MSX2 (hbf1) setup.

I think noborunoca will work on any MSX1 or higher machine with 64KB RAM.

maziac commented 1 year ago

Still it doesn't find noborunoca. Probably some missing path:

./mame hbf1 noborunoca  -rompath .../dezog_issues/h1romas4/noborunoca/mics/mame/roms -hashpath .../dezog_issues/h1romas4/noborunoca/mics/mame/hash -debugger gdbstub -debug

"noborunoca" approximately matches the following
supported software items (best match first):

* Software list "msx2_cass" (MSX2 cassettes) matches: 
leonardo          Leonardo (Jpn)
redlighta         Red Lights of Amsterdam (Euro, 2 Sides)
chess2            The Chess Game 2 (Euro)
redlight          Red Lights of Amsterdam (Euro)

* Compatible software list "msx1_cass" (MSX1 cassettes) matches: 
robocopa          Robocop (Euro, Alt)
untoucha          The Untouchables (Spa, Alt)
enruta            En Ruta (Spa)
ormuza            Ormuz (Spa, Alt)

I'm starting MAME in the mame directory. Do I have to start it somewhere else?

h1romas4 commented 1 year ago


The -hashpath argument specifying a list of software does not seem to be working. noborunoca is appropriate in mics/mame/hash/msx1_cart.xml.

If MAME is the current directory:

$ pwd
$ ls -laF mame
-rwxrwxr-x 1 hiromasa hiromasa 72106552 11月 17 11:55 mame*
$ ls -laF ../../msx/noborunoca/mics/mame/roms
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hiromasa hiromasa 71779  8月  5  2015
drwxrwxr-x 2 hiromasa hiromasa  4096 11月 15 12:36 msx1_cart/
$ ls -laF ../../msx/noborunoca/mics/mame/roms/msx1_cart/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hiromasa hiromasa 8089 11月 15 12:12
$ ls -laF ../../msx/noborunoca/mics/mame/hash/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hiromasa hiromasa  600 11月  2 18:56 msx1_cart.xml
$ ./mame hbf1 noborunoca -rompath ../../msx/noborunoca/mics/mame/roms -hashpath ../../msx/noborunoca/mics/mame/hash

You may also copy the MAME executable to the noborunoca/mics/mame directory and run it. In this case, the -rompath and -hashpath arguments are not needed.

$ pwd
$ ls -laF mame
-rwxrwxr-x 1 hiromasa hiromasa 72106552 11月 17 11:55 mame*
$ cp -p mame ../../msx/noborunoca/mics/mame
$ cd  ../../msx/noborunoca/mics/mame
$ ./mame hbf1 noborunoca
maziac commented 1 year ago

It would probably anyhow not work as the map file contains absolute paths:

DEFINED_startup                 = $0001 ; const, local, , msx_crt0, , /tmp/tmpzccXXc4iOHo/zcc_opt.def:3
startup                         = $0003 ; const, local, , msx_crt0, , /tmp/tmpzccXXc4iOHo/zcc_opt.def:4
TAR__clib_exit_stack_size       = $0000 ; const, local, , msx_crt0, , /home/hiromasa/devel/msx/z88dk/lib/config/../../lib/target/msx/classic/rom.asm:15
TAR__register_sp                = $FFFFFFFFFFFF03B6 ; const, local, , msx_crt0, , /home/hiromasa/devel/msx/z88dk/lib/config/../../lib/target/msx/classic/rom.asm:16
CRT_INITIALIZE_BSS              = $0001 ; const, local, , msx_crt0, , /home/hiromasa/devel/msx/z88dk/lib/config/../../lib/crt/classic/
__register_sp                   = $FFFFFFFFFFFF03B6 ; const, local, , msx_crt0, , /home/hiromasa/devel/msx/z88dk/lib/config/../../lib/crt/classic/
TAR__crt_enable_rst             = $0000 ; const, local, , msx_crt0, , /home/hiromasa/devel/msx/z88dk/lib/config/../../lib/crt/classic/

As I have understood so far, even if this works, it would only allow C debugging, not asm sources. And the -debug option also slows down the compiled binaries, I think it is better to adopt the DeZog parser.

I will add here a new DeZog version soon for you to try out. (And thanks for all the help.)

maziac commented 1 year ago

Please try this new parser: dezog-3.0.0-rc11.vsix from here

You also need a new config (note the "...v2"). Remove the "z88dk" config.

"z88dkv2": [{
    "path": "currah_uspeech_tests.lis",
    "srcDirs": [""],
    "mapFile": "",
    "excludeFiles": [ "some_folder/*" ]

(You don't need 'mainFile' anymore.)

Please let me know if it works for you.

h1romas4 commented 1 year ago

I really appreciate your support.

The dezog-3.0.0-rc11.vsix seems to cause an error because file.mapFile is not set.

        "type": "dezog",
        "request": "launch",
        "name": "DeZog",
        "remoteType": "mame",
        "mame": {
          "port": 23946
        "z88dkv2": [
              "path": "src/asm/psgdriver.asm.lis",
              "mapFile": "dist/",
              "srcDirs": [""]   // Sources mode
        "rootFolder": "${workspaceFolder}",
        "commandsAfterLaunch": [
          // "-mv 0xc000 0x100"


I tried the following patch and confirmed that I can debug!

git diff
diff --git a/src/settings/settings.ts b/src/settings/settings.ts
index 106bf564..f904e31f 100644
--- a/src/settings/settings.ts
+++ b/src/settings/settings.ts
@@ -651,6 +651,7 @@ export class Settings {
                                // ListFile structure
                                const fpPath = UnifiedPath.getUnifiedPath(fp.path);
                                const fpSrcDirs = UnifiedPath.getUnifiedPathArray(fp.srcDirs);
+                               const fpMapFile = UnifiedPath.getUnifiedPath(fp.mapFile);
                                const fpExclFiles = UnifiedPath.getUnifiedPathArray(fp.excludeFiles);
                                const file = {
                                        path: undefined as any,
@@ -660,6 +661,8 @@ export class Settings {
                                if (fpPath)
                                        file.path = Utility.getAbsFilePath(fpPath, rootFolder);
+                               if (fpMapFile)
+                                       file.mapFile = Utility.getAbsFilePath(fpMapFile, rootFolder);
                                return file;


I apologize if my understanding is incorrect.

maziac commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Yes, that was missing. (I'm always surprised when I see that someone else is understanding my code to make that kind of fixes.)

Nice to hear it is working.

If you like you can also try the Flowchart, Callgraph and the Smart Disassembly features of 3.0 and tell me if they are working for you.

h1romas4 commented 1 year ago

I verified on the develop branch(741af2a14b7c4b363f4a85f7cbaa8f570e21bfb6) to make sure everything is working well.


and Release 3.0 is very impressive! The program is completely analyzed.


I really appreciate your support. I look forward to the release of 3.0.

Many Thanks!

maziac commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your tests. It's always nice to see it working in other projects.

And thanks for verification on develop branch.

Is it OK to close this issue (for 3.0)?

h1romas4 commented 1 year ago

Yes, please close this ticket.

Thank you very much!