mazurowski-lab / SegmentAnyBone

SegmentAnyBone: A Universal Model that Segments Any Bone at Any Location on MRI
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Segmentation Testing #8

Open liyihao76 opened 3 months ago

liyihao76 commented 3 months ago

Hello and thank you for your excellent work. I downloaded and installed the code and tried to follow the process of the demo (default parameters) for bone segmentation inference, but the result is not very satisfactory. I tested our model using the datasets : SK10( and SPIDER ( I tested 2D slice auto-segmentation and 3D full volume auto-segmentation respectively, but it doesn't seem to work very well. Especially for 3D segmentation, the inference results do not see a continuous structure. Do I need any other configurations to achieve the desired segmentation results? For example, data preprocessing, inference parameter settings (lower and upper percentile), better checkpoints, manual prompts?



Guhanxue commented 2 months ago

Hi, do you mind providing me your MRI sequence information, and sending me an example for each exam if possible that i could do a troubleshooting with you?

Guhanxue commented 2 months ago

BTW, just through a quick look. I guess the issue might be your data was preprocessed volumes which is not under a meaningful clinical orientation. (such as the x,y,z axis are transposed during dataset sharing.) For example, A real sagittal view spine usually in: image, where the spine is vertical in the red window in 3D slicer. I am not sure how much it influence the results, but maybe there is one reason.

dyollb commented 1 month ago

I am getting similar (or worse) 3D results for T1 abdominal and head scans and T2 head scans. Is there any pre-processing that I should do to make it work better? e.g.

I tested with

Nilser3 commented 2 weeks ago


I have similar results
