Thanks for putting together a great tool to solve an annoying problem!
I'm trying to repair some corrupted fastqs using your singularity pipeline and the script guesses the correct quality score encoding (ASCII-33) but then part way through decides to switch to ASCII-64 which causes an error (see below). If I run the _fixed_wiped_paired.fastq.gz files through manually with the --qin flag set the reads interleave and sort correctly. Adding an optional qin parameter to the top-level singularity command and using that in the call would fix this for me.
Warning! Changed from ASCII-33 to ASCII-64 on input Z: 90 -> 59
Up to 17635226 prior reads may have been generated with incorrect qualities.
If this is a problem you may wish to re-run with the flag 'qin=33' or 'qin=64'.
The ASCII quality encoding offset (64) is not set correctly, or the reads are corrupt; quality value below -5.
Please re-run with the flag 'qin=33', 'ignorebadquality', or '-da'.
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -6 out of bounds for length 128
at stream.Read.validateCommonCase_branchless(
at stream.Read.validate(
at stream.Read.<init>(
at stream.Read.<init>(
at stream.FASTQ.quadToRead_slow(
at stream.FASTQ.toReadList(
at stream.FastqReadInputStream.fillBuffer(
at stream.FastqReadInputStream.nextList(
at stream.ConcurrentGenericReadInputStream$ReadThread.readLists(
at stream.ConcurrentGenericReadInputStream$
java.lang.Exception: Aborting.
at shared.KillSwitch.kill(
at stream.FASTQ.quadToRead_slow(
at stream.FASTQ.toReadList(
at stream.FastqReadInputStream.fillBuffer(
at stream.FastqReadInputStream.nextList(
at stream.ConcurrentGenericReadInputStream$ReadThread.readLists(
at stream.ConcurrentGenericReadInputStream$
Set cris1Active=false
Thanks for putting together a great tool to solve an annoying problem!
I'm trying to repair some corrupted fastqs using your singularity pipeline and the script guesses the correct quality score encoding (ASCII-33) but then part way through decides to switch to ASCII-64 which causes an error (see below). If I run the _fixed_wiped_paired.fastq.gz files through manually with the --qin flag set the reads interleave and sort correctly. Adding an optional qin parameter to the top-level singularity command and using that in the call would fix this for me.