Closed kimal999 closed 1 year ago
Hi, we currently do not distribute FastqWiper as a Singularity container and haven't tested the Docker-to-Singularity conversion process. It is - however - one of our milestones to do that. In the meantime, we recommend you to use our Docker image, that should work properly.
Hi, Thank you for your prompt response. I'll check and let you know if there is any issue.
I have below error with the Docker image. I'm running it via "singularity" with below command.
singularity run fastqwiper.sif paired 4 sample 50000000 -v 'YOUR_LOCAL_PATH_TO_DATA_FOLDER:/fastqwiper/data'
Error message
Processing paired-end files
Error: Snakefile "pipeline/fix_wipe_pairs_reads.smk" not found.
Is this a problem due to my command?