mb1986 / rm-hacks

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Idea: Swipe to scroll in horizontal split-screen #319

Open Ram-222 opened 3 months ago

Ram-222 commented 3 months ago

Thank you so much for implementing an (alpha) split screen mode, it's the single feature I've hoped for since the very start of the reMarkable and from trying it out it's pretty much everything I envisioned and you've implemented even more clever ideas.

I generally favour horizontal 1/2 split between docs (full width pages split with half-pages on top of reach other). In my mind, rather than 2-finger scrolling, the user could swipe in the relevant document to turn the page as in non-split view. But, in 1/2 split view this would turn in half-page increments, i.e. swipe once to snap to the bottom-half of the page, swipe twice to the top of the next page, swipe again to the bottom half of that page and so on. I do realise the scroll is necessary for other orientations and uneven splits, and for those who like infinite canvas. But certainly for half-half split where I use pages, it seems less disorientating and more efficient for me and it's clear where on a page I am at it's either top or bottom half. Could it be possible via a toggle option?

I've only used the alpha build for a few hours so may well get used to the two-finger scroll.

Thank you!

Ram-222 commented 3 months ago

Thinking further, for horizontal splits I think it could work for all e.g. for a 1/3:2/3 split each swipe of the 1/3 doc snaps the scroll in thirds of pages, whereas the 2/3 doc scrolls to the top 2/3, then the bottom 2/3 and so on. Appreciate that might be a headache to code though, and don't want to overcomplicate things.