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Feat req: display bookmarks as list (option) #324

Open everdro1d opened 2 months ago

everdro1d commented 2 months ago

What is it?

Include an option to display the bookmarks in list form. This will allow for simple navigating as if using a table of contents.

Why am I bringing this up?

I have a book that happens to have 874 pages. My current way of organizing this TOC is simply a few pages at the beginning where I wrote exactly which page belongs to which chapter. Does it work? Yes. Is it ideal? Could be easier.

After using the bookmarks feature for a while, I figured this would make a great way to have a table of contents. With bookmarks, one only has to tap the bookmark and it takes you to the page. With A written TOC, one has to open the page grid view and then use the GoTo Page function. Is it much of a hassle? No. Does it get annoying over time? Enough that I am willing to write this.

How might it be implemented?

Quite simply just opening a list spanning from the top of the page to the bottom on the leftmost quarter of the screen, where the toolbar is. Bookmarks would still be made in, and work, the same way. It would just be a different way of viewing them.

Thank you.