mback2k / wiasane

Scanner Access Now Easy - WIA Driver
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How to access transparency unit? #26

Open lokowandg opened 9 years ago

lokowandg commented 9 years ago

My Scanner offers a transparency unit, which I can not select in the standard UI. Any idea, how I can select it? I have no need to use the flatbed-unit, so a tweak in the backend to always use the transparency unit would be fine.

mback2k commented 9 years ago

Do you mean an automatic document feeder (ADF) with transparency unit? If so, please show me the output of winsane-dbg.exe of your scanner device and I might be able to add support for that.

lokowandg commented 9 years ago

Yes, some scanners have an ADF, mine has a Transparency unit to scan X-ray images. Selecting the ADF instead of "Flatbed" results in an error message, something like "invalid device" or "device not installed"... On Friday I will send the output of winsane-dbg, as I currently do not have access.

lokowandg commented 9 years ago

Here are the logfiles from my scanners. For the Epson, I want to use the "source" "TPU8x10", on the Umax I want to use the "Transparency Adapter".

lokowandg commented 9 years ago

Attaching does not work, so here is Umax:

Name:   umax:/dev/UmaxScan
Vendor: UMAX    
Model:  UMAX S-12G      
Type:   flatbed scanner
Title:      Number of options
Description:    Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.
Value:      68
Unit:       None
Name:       (null)
Title:      Scan Mode
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       mode
Title:      Scan mode
Description:    Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).
Value:      Color
Unit:       None
String:     Lineart
String:     Gray
String:     Color
Mode:       Color
Name:       source
Title:      Scan source
Description:    Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).
Value:      Flatbed
Unit:       None
String:     Flatbed
String:     Transparency Adapter
Name:       resolution
Title:      Scan resolution
Description:    Sets the resolution of the scanned image.
Value:      100.000000  (6553600)
Unit:       DPI
Min:        5.000000    (327680)
Max:        1200.000000 (78643200)
Quant:      5.000000    (327680)
Name:       y-resolution
Title:      Y-resolution
Description:    Sets the vertical resolution of the scanned image.
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       DPI
Min:        5.000000    (327680)
Max:        1200.000000 (78643200)
Quant:      5.000000    (327680)
Name:       resolution-bind
Title:      Bind X and Y resolution
Description:    Use same values for X and Y resolution
Value:      1
Unit:       None
Name:       negative
Title:      Negative
Description:    Swap black and white
Value:      0
Unit:       None
Name:       (null)
Title:      Geometry
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       tl-x
Title:      Top-left x
Description:    Top-left x position of scan area.
Value:      0.000000    (0)
Unit:       Millimeter
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        215.899994  (14149222)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       tl-y
Title:      Top-left y
Description:    Top-left y position of scan area.
Value:      0.000000    (0)
Unit:       Millimeter
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        297.179993  (19475988)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       br-x
Title:      Bottom-right x
Description:    Bottom-right x position of scan area.
Value:      215.899994  (14149222)
Unit:       Millimeter
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        215.899994  (14149222)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       br-y
Title:      Bottom-right y
Description:    Bottom-right y position of scan area.
Value:      297.179993  (19475988)
Unit:       Millimeter
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        297.179993  (19475988)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       (null)
Title:      Enhancement
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       depth
Title:      Bit depth
Description:    Number of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for "line-art" and 8 for multibit scans.
Value:      8
Unit:       Bit
Word:       8
Name:       quality-cal
Title:      Quality calibration
Description:    Do a quality white-calibration
Value:      1
Unit:       None
Name:       double-res
Title:      Double Optical Resolution
Description:    Use lens that doubles optical resolution
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       warmup
Title:      Warmup lamp
Description:    Warmup lamp before scanning
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       rgb-bind
Title:      Bind RGB
Description:    In RGB-mode use same values for each color
Value:      0
Unit:       None
Name:       brightness
Title:      Brightness
Description:    Controls the brightness of the acquired image.
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Percent
Min:        -100.000000 (-6553600)
Max:        100.000000  (6553600)
Quant:      1.000000    (65536)
Name:       contrast
Title:      Contrast
Description:    Controls the contrast of the acquired image.
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Percent
Min:        -100.000000 (-6553600)
Max:        100.000000  (6553600)
Quant:      1.000000    (65536)
Name:       threshold
Title:      Threshold
Description:    Select minimum-brightness to get a white point
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Percent
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        100.000000  (6553600)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       highlight
Title:      Highlight
Description:    Selects what radiance level should be considered "white".
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Percent
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        100.000000  (6553600)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       highlight-r
Title:      Highlight for red
Description:    Selects what red radiance level should be considered "full red".
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Percent
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        100.000000  (6553600)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       highlight-g
Title:      Highlight for green
Description:    Selects what green radiance level should be considered "full green".
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Percent
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        100.000000  (6553600)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       highlight-b
Title:      Highlight for blue
Description:    Selects what blue radiance level should be considered "full blue".
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Percent
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        100.000000  (6553600)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       shadow
Title:      Shadow
Description:    Selects what radiance level should be considered "black".
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Percent
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        100.000000  (6553600)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       shadow-r
Title:      Shadow for red
Description:    Selects what red radiance level should be considered "black".
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Percent
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        100.000000  (6553600)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       shadow-g
Title:      Shadow for green
Description:    Selects what green radiance level should be considered "black".
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Percent
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        100.000000  (6553600)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       shadow-b
Title:      Shadow for blue
Description:    Selects what blue radiance level should be considered "black".
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Percent
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        100.000000  (6553600)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       analog-gamma
Title:      Analog gamma correction
Description:    Analog gamma-correction
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Min:        1.000000    (65536)
Max:        2.000000    (131072)
Quant:      0.009995    (655)
Name:       analog-gamma-r
Title:      Analog gamma red
Description:    Analog gamma-correction for red
Value:      1.000000    (65536)
Unit:       None
Min:        1.000000    (65536)
Max:        2.000000    (131072)
Quant:      0.009995    (655)
Name:       analog-gamma-g
Title:      Analog gamma green
Description:    Analog gamma-correction for green
Value:      1.000000    (65536)
Unit:       None
Min:        1.000000    (65536)
Max:        2.000000    (131072)
Quant:      0.009995    (655)
Name:       analog-gamma-b
Title:      Analog gamma blue
Description:    Analog gamma-correction for blue
Value:      1.000000    (65536)
Unit:       None
Min:        1.000000    (65536)
Max:        2.000000    (131072)
Quant:      0.009995    (655)
Name:       custom-gamma
Title:      Use custom gamma table
Description:    Determines whether a builtin or a custom gamma-table should be used.
Value:      1
Unit:       None
Name:       gamma-table
Title:      Image intensity
Description:    Gamma-correction table.  In color mode this option equally affects the red, green, and blue channels simultaneously (i.e., it is an intensity gamma table).
Value:      0
Unit:       None
Min:        0
Max:        255
Quant:      0
Name:       red-gamma-table
Title:      Red intensity
Description:    Gamma-correction table for the red band.
Value:      0
Unit:       None
Min:        0
Max:        255
Quant:      0
Name:       green-gamma-table
Title:      Green intensity
Description:    Gamma-correction table for the green band.
Value:      0
Unit:       None
Min:        0
Max:        255
Quant:      0
Name:       blue-gamma-table
Title:      Blue intensity
Description:    Gamma-correction table for the blue band.
Value:      0
Unit:       None
Min:        0
Max:        255
Quant:      0
Name:       halftone-size
Title:      Halftone pattern size
Description:    Sets the size of the halftoning (dithering) pattern used when scanning halftoned images.
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Pixel
Word:       2
Word:       4
Word:       6
Word:       8
Word:       12
Name:       halftone-pattern
Title:      Halftone pattern
Description:    Defines the halftoning (dithering) pattern for scanning halftoned images.
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Min:        0
Max:        255
Quant:      0
Name:       (null)
Title:      Advanced
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       cal-exposure-time
Title:      Cal. exposure-time
Description:    Define exposure-time for calibration
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Microsecond
Min:        0
Max:        0
Quant:      0
Name:       cal-exposure-time-r
Title:      Cal. exposure-time for red
Description:    Define exposure-time for red calibration
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Microsecond
Min:        0
Max:        0
Quant:      0
Name:       cal-exposure-time-g
Title:      Cal. exposure-time for green
Description:    Define exposure-time for green calibration
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Microsecond
Min:        0
Max:        0
Quant:      0
Name:       cal-exposure-time-b
Title:      Cal. exposure-time for blue
Description:    Define exposure-time for blue calibration
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Microsecond
Min:        0
Max:        0
Quant:      0
Name:       scan-exposure-time
Title:      Scan exposure-time
Description:    Define exposure-time for scan
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Microsecond
Min:        0
Max:        0
Quant:      0
Name:       scan-exposure-time-r
Title:      Scan exposure-time for red
Description:    Define exposure-time for red scan
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Microsecond
Min:        0
Max:        0
Quant:      0
Name:       scan-exposure-time-g
Title:      Scan exposure-time for green
Description:    Define exposure-time for green scan
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Microsecond
Min:        0
Max:        0
Quant:      0
Name:       scan-exposure-time-b
Title:      Scan exposure-time for blue
Description:    Define exposure-time for blue scan
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Microsecond
Min:        0
Max:        0
Quant:      0
Name:       disable-pre-focus
Title:      Disable pre focus
Description:    Do not calibrate focus
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       manual-pre-focus
Title:      Manual pre focus
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       fix-focus-position
Title:      Fix focus position
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       lens-calibration-in-doc-position
Title:      Lens calibration in doc position
Description:    Calibrate lens focus in document position
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       holder-focus-position-0mm
Title:      Holder focus position 0mm
Description:    Use 0mm holder focus position instead of 0.6mm
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       cal-lamp-density
Title:      Cal. lamp density
Description:    Define lamp density for calibration
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Percent
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        100.000000  (6553600)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       scan-lamp-density
Title:      Scan lamp density
Description:    Define lamp density for scan
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Percent
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        100.000000  (6553600)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       select-exposure-time
Title:      Set exposure-time
Description:    Enable selection of exposure-time
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       select-calibration-exposure-time
Title:      Set calibration exposure time
Description:    Allow different settings for calibration and scan exposure times
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       select-lamp-density
Title:      Set lamp density
Description:    Enable selection of lamp density
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       lamp-on
Title:      Lamp on
Description:    Turn on scanner lamp
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       lamp-off
Title:      Lamp off
Description:    Turn off scanner lamp
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       lamp-off-at-exit
Title:      Lamp off at exit
Description:    Turn off lamp when program exits
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       batch-scan-start
Title:      Batch scan start
Description:    set for first scan of batch
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       batch-scan-loop
Title:      Batch scan loop
Description:    set for middle scans of batch
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       batch-scan-end
Title:      Batch scan end
Description:    set for last scan of batch
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       batch-scan-next-tl-y
Title:      Batch scan next top left Y
Description:    Set top left Y position for next scan
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       Millimeter
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        297.179993  (19475988)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       preview
Title:      Preview
Description:    Request a preview-quality scan.
Value:      0
Unit:       None
Format:     1
Last Frame: 1
Bytes per Line: 2547
Pixel per Line: 849
Lines:      1169
Depth:      8
Scan? (y/n)
lokowandg commented 9 years ago

And here Epson:

Name:   epson2:libusb:001:002
Vendor: Epson
Model:  GT-X900
Type:   flatbed scanner
Name:       (null)
Title:      Number of options
Description:    Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.
Value:      37
Unit:       None
Name:       (null)
Title:      Scan Mode
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       mode
Title:      Scan mode
Description:    Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).
Value:      Lineart
Unit:       None
String:     Lineart
String:     Gray
String:     Color
Mode:       Color
Name:       depth
Title:      Bit depth
Description:    Number of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for "line-art" and 8 for multibit scans.
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Word:       16
Word:       14
Word:       12
Word:       8
Name:       halftoning
Title:      Halftoning
Description:    Selects the halftone.
Value:      Halftone A (Hard Tone)
Unit:       None
String:     None
String:     Halftone A (Hard Tone)
String:     Halftone B (Soft Tone)
String:     Halftone C (Net Screen)
String:     Dither A (4x4 Bayer)
String:     Dither B (4x4 Spiral)
String:     Dither C (4x4 Net Screen)
String:     Dither D (8x4 Net Screen)
String:     Text Enhanced Technology
String:     Download pattern A
String:     Download pattern B
Name:       dropout
Title:      Dropout
Description:    Selects the dropout.
Value:      None
Unit:       None
String:     None
String:     Red
String:     Green
String:     Blue
Name:       brightness
Title:      Brightness
Description:    Selects the brightness.
Value:      0
Unit:       None
Min:        -4
Max:        3
Quant:      0
Name:       sharpness
Title:      Sharpness
Value:      0
Unit:       None
Min:        -2
Max:        2
Quant:      0
Name:       gamma-correction
Title:      Gamma Correction
Description:    Selects the gamma correction value from a list of pre-defined devices or the user defined table, which can be downloaded to the scanner
Value:      Default
Unit:       None
String:     Default
String:     User defined
String:     High density printing
String:     Low density printing
String:     High contrast printing
Name:       color-correction
Title:      Color correction
Description:    Sets the color correction table for the selected output device.
Value:      Built in CCT profile
Unit:       None
String:     None
String:     Built in CCT profile
String:     User defined CCT profile
Name:       resolution
Title:      Scan resolution
Description:    Sets the resolution of the scanned image.
Value:      25
Unit:       DPI
Word:       50
Word:       60
Word:       72
Word:       75
Word:       80
Word:       90
Word:       100
Word:       120
Word:       133
Word:       144
Word:       150
Word:       160
Word:       175
Word:       180
Word:       200
Word:       216
Word:       240
Word:       266
Word:       300
Word:       320
Word:       350
Word:       360
Word:       400
Word:       480
Word:       600
Word:       720
Word:       800
Word:       900
Word:       1200
Word:       1600
Word:       1800
Word:       2400
Word:       3200
Word:       4800
Word:       6400
Word:       9600
Word:       12800
Resolution: 300
Name:       threshold
Title:      Threshold
Description:    Select minimum-brightness to get a white point
Value:      128
Unit:       None
Min:        0
Max:        255
Quant:      0
Name:       (null)
Title:      Advanced
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       mirror
Title:      Mirror image
Description:    Mirror the image.
Value:      0
Unit:       None
Name:       auto-area-segmentation
Title:      Auto area segmentation
Description:    Enables different dithering modes in image and text areas
Value:      1
Unit:       None
Name:       red-gamma-table
Title:      Red intensity
Description:    Gamma-correction table for the red band.
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Min:        0
Max:        255
Quant:      0
Name:       green-gamma-table
Title:      Green intensity
Description:    Gamma-correction table for the green band.
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Min:        0
Max:        255
Quant:      0
Name:       blue-gamma-table
Title:      Blue intensity
Description:    Gamma-correction table for the blue band.
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Min:        0
Max:        255
Quant:      0
Name:       wait-for-button
Title:      Wait for Button
Description:    After sending the scan command, wait until the button on the scanner is pressed to actually start the scan process.
Value:      0
Unit:       None
Name:       (null)
Title:      Color correction
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       cct-type
Title:      CCT Profile Type
Description:    Color correction profile type
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
String:     Automatic
String:     Reflective
String:     Colour negatives
String:     Monochrome negatives
String:     Colour positives
Name:       cct-profile
Title:      CCT Profile
Description:    Color correction profile data
Value:      0.000000    (0)
Unit:       None
Min:        -2.000000   (-131072)
Max:        2.000000    (131072)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       (null)
Title:      Preview
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       preview
Title:      Preview
Description:    Request a preview-quality scan.
Value:      0
Unit:       None
Name:       (null)
Title:      Geometry
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       tl-x
Title:      Top-left x
Description:    Top-left x position of scan area.
Value:      0.000000    (0)
Unit:       Millimeter
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        215.899994  (14149222)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       tl-y
Title:      Top-left y
Description:    Top-left y position of scan area.
Value:      0.000000    (0)
Unit:       Millimeter
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        297.179993  (19475988)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       br-x
Title:      Bottom-right x
Description:    Bottom-right x position of scan area.
Value:      215.899994  (14149222)
Unit:       Millimeter
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        215.899994  (14149222)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       br-y
Title:      Bottom-right y
Description:    Bottom-right y position of scan area.
Value:      297.179993  (19475988)
Unit:       Millimeter
Min:        0.000000    (0)
Max:        297.179993  (19475988)
Quant:      0.000000    (0)
Name:       (null)
Title:      Optional equipment
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       source
Title:      Scan source
Description:    Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).
Value:      Flatbed
Unit:       None
String:     Flatbed
String:     Transparency Unit
String:     TPU8x10
Name:       auto-eject
Title:      Auto eject
Description:    Eject document after scanning
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       film-type
Title:      Film type
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
String:     Positive Film
String:     Negative Film
String:     Positive Slide
String:     Negative Slide
Name:       focus-position
Title:      Focus Position
Description:    Sets the focus position to either the glass or 2.5mm above the glass
Value:      Focus on glass
Unit:       None
String:     Focus on glass
String:     Focus 2.5mm above glass
Name:       bay
Title:      Bay
Description:    Select bay to scan
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
String:     1
String:     2
String:     3
String:     4
String:     5
String:     6
Name:       eject
Title:      Eject
Description:    Eject the sheet in the ADF
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
Name:       adf-mode
Title:      ADF Mode
Description:    Selects the ADF mode (simplex/duplex)
Value:      <FAIL>
Unit:       None
String:     Simplex
String:     Duplex
Format:     1
Last Frame: 1
Bytes per Line: 7632
Pixel per Line: 2544
Lines:      3508
Depth:      8
Scan? (y/n)```
lokowandg commented 9 years ago

Attached, please find the logfiles for my two scanners. For the Epson, I want to use the "source" "TPU8x10", on the Umax I want to use the "Transparency Adapter".

Thanks, Alex.

Am 21.09.2015 um 21:15 schrieb Marc Hörsken:

Do you mean an automatic document feeder (ADF) with transparency unit? If so, please show me the output of winsane-dbg.exe of your scanner device and I might be able to add support for that.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:

Name: epson2:libusb:001:002 Vendor: Epson Model: GT-X900

Type: flatbed scanner

Name: (null) Title: Number of options Description: Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports. Value: 37

Unit: None

Name: (null) Title: Scan Mode Description:

Unit: None

Name: mode Title: Scan mode Description: Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color). Value: Lineart Unit: None String: Lineart String: Gray String: Color

Mode: Color

Name: depth Title: Bit depth Description: Number of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for "line-art" and 8 for multibit scans. Value: Unit: None Word: 16 Word: 14 Word: 12

Word: 8

Name: halftoning Title: Halftoning Description: Selects the halftone. Value: Halftone A (Hard Tone) Unit: None String: None String: Halftone A (Hard Tone) String: Halftone B (Soft Tone) String: Halftone C (Net Screen) String: Dither A (4x4 Bayer) String: Dither B (4x4 Spiral) String: Dither C (4x4 Net Screen) String: Dither D (8x4 Net Screen) String: Text Enhanced Technology String: Download pattern A

String: Download pattern B

Name: dropout Title: Dropout Description: Selects the dropout. Value: None Unit: None String: None String: Red String: Green

String: Blue

Name: brightness Title: Brightness Description: Selects the brightness. Value: 0 Unit: None Min: -4 Max: 3

Quant: 0

Name: sharpness Title: Sharpness Description:
Value: 0 Unit: None Min: -2 Max: 2

Quant: 0

Name: gamma-correction Title: Gamma Correction Description: Selects the gamma correction value from a list of pre-defined devices or the user defined table, which can be downloaded to the scanner Value: Default Unit: None String: Default String: User defined String: High density printing String: Low density printing

String: High contrast printing

Name: color-correction Title: Color correction Description: Sets the color correction table for the selected output device. Value: Built in CCT profile Unit: None String: None String: Built in CCT profile

String: User defined CCT profile

Name: resolution Title: Scan resolution Description: Sets the resolution of the scanned image. Value: 25 Unit: DPI Word: 50 Word: 60 Word: 72 Word: 75 Word: 80 Word: 90 Word: 100 Word: 120 Word: 133 Word: 144 Word: 150 Word: 160 Word: 175 Word: 180 Word: 200 Word: 216 Word: 240 Word: 266 Word: 300 Word: 320 Word: 350 Word: 360 Word: 400 Word: 480 Word: 600 Word: 720 Word: 800 Word: 900 Word: 1200 Word: 1600 Word: 1800 Word: 2400 Word: 3200 Word: 4800 Word: 6400 Word: 9600 Word: 12800

Resolution: 300

Name: threshold Title: Threshold Description: Select minimum-brightness to get a white point Value: 128 Unit: None Min: 0 Max: 255

Quant: 0

Name: (null) Title: Advanced Description:

Unit: None

Name: mirror Title: Mirror image Description: Mirror the image. Value: 0

Unit: None

Name: auto-area-segmentation Title: Auto area segmentation Description: Enables different dithering modes in image and text areas Value: 1

Unit: None

Name: red-gamma-table Title: Red intensity Description: Gamma-correction table for the red band. Value: Unit: None Min: 0 Max: 255

Quant: 0

Name: green-gamma-table Title: Green intensity Description: Gamma-correction table for the green band. Value: Unit: None Min: 0 Max: 255

Quant: 0

Name: blue-gamma-table Title: Blue intensity Description: Gamma-correction table for the blue band. Value: Unit: None Min: 0 Max: 255

Quant: 0

Name: wait-for-button Title: Wait for Button Description: After sending the scan command, wait until the button on the scanner is pressed to actually start the scan process. Value: 0

Unit: None

Name: (null) Title: Color correction Description:

Unit: None

Name: cct-type Title: CCT Profile Type Description: Color correction profile type Value: Unit: None String: Automatic String: Reflective String: Colour negatives String: Monochrome negatives

String: Colour positives

Name: cct-profile Title: CCT Profile Description: Color correction profile data Value: 0.000000 (0) Unit: None Min: -2.000000 (-131072) Max: 2.000000 (131072)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: (null) Title: Preview Description:

Unit: None

Name: preview Title: Preview Description: Request a preview-quality scan. Value: 0

Unit: None

Name: (null) Title: Geometry Description:

Unit: None

Name: tl-x Title: Top-left x Description: Top-left x position of scan area. Value: 0.000000 (0) Unit: Millimeter Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 215.899994 (14149222)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: tl-y Title: Top-left y Description: Top-left y position of scan area. Value: 0.000000 (0) Unit: Millimeter Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 297.179993 (19475988)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: br-x Title: Bottom-right x Description: Bottom-right x position of scan area. Value: 215.899994 (14149222) Unit: Millimeter Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 215.899994 (14149222)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: br-y Title: Bottom-right y Description: Bottom-right y position of scan area. Value: 297.179993 (19475988) Unit: Millimeter Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 297.179993 (19475988)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: (null) Title: Optional equipment Description:

Unit: None

Name: source Title: Scan source Description: Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder). Value: Flatbed Unit: None String: Flatbed String: Transparency Unit

String: TPU8x10

Name: auto-eject Title: Auto eject Description: Eject document after scanning Value:

Unit: None

Name: film-type Title: Film type Description:
Value: Unit: None String: Positive Film String: Negative Film String: Positive Slide

String: Negative Slide

Name: focus-position Title: Focus Position Description: Sets the focus position to either the glass or 2.5mm above the glass Value: Focus on glass Unit: None String: Focus on glass

String: Focus 2.5mm above glass

Name: bay Title: Bay Description: Select bay to scan Value: Unit: None String: 1 String: 2 String: 3 String: 4 String: 5

String: 6

Name: eject Title: Eject Description: Eject the sheet in the ADF Value:

Unit: None

Name: adf-mode Title: ADF Mode Description: Selects the ADF mode (simplex/duplex) Value: Unit: None String: Simplex

String: Duplex

Format: 1 Last Frame: 1 Bytes per Line: 7632 Pixel per Line: 2544 Lines: 3508 Depth: 8 Scan? (y/n)

Name: umax:/dev/UmaxScan Vendor: UMAX
Model: UMAX S-12G

Type: flatbed scanner

Title: Number of options Description: Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports. Value: 68

Unit: None

Name: (null) Title: Scan Mode Description:

Unit: None

Name: mode Title: Scan mode Description: Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color). Value: Color Unit: None String: Lineart String: Gray String: Color

Mode: Color

Name: source Title: Scan source Description: Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder). Value: Flatbed Unit: None String: Flatbed

String: Transparency Adapter

Name: resolution Title: Scan resolution Description: Sets the resolution of the scanned image. Value: 100.000000 (6553600) Unit: DPI Min: 5.000000 (327680) Max: 1200.000000 (78643200)

Quant: 5.000000 (327680)

Name: y-resolution Title: Y-resolution Description: Sets the vertical resolution of the scanned image. Value: Unit: DPI Min: 5.000000 (327680) Max: 1200.000000 (78643200)

Quant: 5.000000 (327680)

Name: resolution-bind Title: Bind X and Y resolution Description: Use same values for X and Y resolution Value: 1

Unit: None

Name: negative Title: Negative Description: Swap black and white Value: 0

Unit: None

Name: (null) Title: Geometry Description:

Unit: None

Name: tl-x Title: Top-left x Description: Top-left x position of scan area. Value: 0.000000 (0) Unit: Millimeter Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 215.899994 (14149222)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: tl-y Title: Top-left y Description: Top-left y position of scan area. Value: 0.000000 (0) Unit: Millimeter Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 297.179993 (19475988)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: br-x Title: Bottom-right x Description: Bottom-right x position of scan area. Value: 215.899994 (14149222) Unit: Millimeter Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 215.899994 (14149222)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: br-y Title: Bottom-right y Description: Bottom-right y position of scan area. Value: 297.179993 (19475988) Unit: Millimeter Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 297.179993 (19475988)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: (null) Title: Enhancement Description:

Unit: None

Name: depth Title: Bit depth Description: Number of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for "line-art" and 8 for multibit scans. Value: 8 Unit: Bit

Word: 8

Name: quality-cal Title: Quality calibration Description: Do a quality white-calibration Value: 1

Unit: None

Name: double-res Title: Double Optical Resolution Description: Use lens that doubles optical resolution Value:

Unit: None

Name: warmup Title: Warmup lamp Description: Warmup lamp before scanning Value:

Unit: None

Name: rgb-bind Title: Bind RGB Description: In RGB-mode use same values for each color Value: 0

Unit: None

Name: brightness Title: Brightness Description: Controls the brightness of the acquired image. Value: Unit: Percent Min: -100.000000 (-6553600) Max: 100.000000 (6553600)

Quant: 1.000000 (65536)

Name: contrast Title: Contrast Description: Controls the contrast of the acquired image. Value: Unit: Percent Min: -100.000000 (-6553600) Max: 100.000000 (6553600)

Quant: 1.000000 (65536)

Name: threshold Title: Threshold Description: Select minimum-brightness to get a white point Value: Unit: Percent Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 100.000000 (6553600)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: highlight Title: Highlight Description: Selects what radiance level should be considered "white". Value: Unit: Percent Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 100.000000 (6553600)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: highlight-r Title: Highlight for red Description: Selects what red radiance level should be considered "full red". Value: Unit: Percent Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 100.000000 (6553600)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: highlight-g Title: Highlight for green Description: Selects what green radiance level should be considered "full green". Value: Unit: Percent Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 100.000000 (6553600)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: highlight-b Title: Highlight for blue Description: Selects what blue radiance level should be considered "full blue". Value: Unit: Percent Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 100.000000 (6553600)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: shadow Title: Shadow Description: Selects what radiance level should be considered "black". Value: Unit: Percent Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 100.000000 (6553600)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: shadow-r Title: Shadow for red Description: Selects what red radiance level should be considered "black". Value: Unit: Percent Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 100.000000 (6553600)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: shadow-g Title: Shadow for green Description: Selects what green radiance level should be considered "black". Value: Unit: Percent Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 100.000000 (6553600)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: shadow-b Title: Shadow for blue Description: Selects what blue radiance level should be considered "black". Value: Unit: Percent Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 100.000000 (6553600)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: analog-gamma Title: Analog gamma correction Description: Analog gamma-correction Value: Unit: None Min: 1.000000 (65536) Max: 2.000000 (131072)

Quant: 0.009995 (655)

Name: analog-gamma-r Title: Analog gamma red Description: Analog gamma-correction for red Value: 1.000000 (65536) Unit: None Min: 1.000000 (65536) Max: 2.000000 (131072)

Quant: 0.009995 (655)

Name: analog-gamma-g Title: Analog gamma green Description: Analog gamma-correction for green Value: 1.000000 (65536) Unit: None Min: 1.000000 (65536) Max: 2.000000 (131072)

Quant: 0.009995 (655)

Name: analog-gamma-b Title: Analog gamma blue Description: Analog gamma-correction for blue Value: 1.000000 (65536) Unit: None Min: 1.000000 (65536) Max: 2.000000 (131072)

Quant: 0.009995 (655)

Name: custom-gamma Title: Use custom gamma table Description: Determines whether a builtin or a custom gamma-table should be used. Value: 1

Unit: None

Name: gamma-table Title: Image intensity Description: Gamma-correction table. In color mode this option equally affects the red, green, and blue channels simultaneously (i.e., it is an intensity gamma table). Value: 0 Unit: None Min: 0 Max: 255

Quant: 0

Name: red-gamma-table Title: Red intensity Description: Gamma-correction table for the red band. Value: 0 Unit: None Min: 0 Max: 255

Quant: 0

Name: green-gamma-table Title: Green intensity Description: Gamma-correction table for the green band. Value: 0 Unit: None Min: 0 Max: 255

Quant: 0

Name: blue-gamma-table Title: Blue intensity Description: Gamma-correction table for the blue band. Value: 0 Unit: None Min: 0 Max: 255

Quant: 0

Name: halftone-size Title: Halftone pattern size Description: Sets the size of the halftoning (dithering) pattern used when scanning halftoned images. Value: Unit: Pixel Word: 2 Word: 4 Word: 6 Word: 8

Word: 12

Name: halftone-pattern Title: Halftone pattern Description: Defines the halftoning (dithering) pattern for scanning halftoned images. Value: Unit: None Min: 0 Max: 255

Quant: 0

Name: (null) Title: Advanced Description:

Unit: None

Name: cal-exposure-time Title: Cal. exposure-time Description: Define exposure-time for calibration Value: Unit: Microsecond Min: 0 Max: 0

Quant: 0

Name: cal-exposure-time-r Title: Cal. exposure-time for red Description: Define exposure-time for red calibration Value: Unit: Microsecond Min: 0 Max: 0

Quant: 0

Name: cal-exposure-time-g Title: Cal. exposure-time for green Description: Define exposure-time for green calibration Value: Unit: Microsecond Min: 0 Max: 0

Quant: 0

Name: cal-exposure-time-b Title: Cal. exposure-time for blue Description: Define exposure-time for blue calibration Value: Unit: Microsecond Min: 0 Max: 0

Quant: 0

Name: scan-exposure-time Title: Scan exposure-time Description: Define exposure-time for scan Value: Unit: Microsecond Min: 0 Max: 0

Quant: 0

Name: scan-exposure-time-r Title: Scan exposure-time for red Description: Define exposure-time for red scan Value: Unit: Microsecond Min: 0 Max: 0

Quant: 0

Name: scan-exposure-time-g Title: Scan exposure-time for green Description: Define exposure-time for green scan Value: Unit: Microsecond Min: 0 Max: 0

Quant: 0

Name: scan-exposure-time-b Title: Scan exposure-time for blue Description: Define exposure-time for blue scan Value: Unit: Microsecond Min: 0 Max: 0

Quant: 0

Name: disable-pre-focus Title: Disable pre focus Description: Do not calibrate focus Value:

Unit: None

Name: manual-pre-focus Title: Manual pre focus Description:

Unit: None

Name: fix-focus-position Title: Fix focus position Description:

Unit: None

Name: lens-calibration-in-doc-position Title: Lens calibration in doc position Description: Calibrate lens focus in document position Value:

Unit: None

Name: holder-focus-position-0mm Title: Holder focus position 0mm Description: Use 0mm holder focus position instead of 0.6mm Value:

Unit: None

Name: cal-lamp-density Title: Cal. lamp density Description: Define lamp density for calibration Value: Unit: Percent Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 100.000000 (6553600)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: scan-lamp-density Title: Scan lamp density Description: Define lamp density for scan Value: Unit: Percent Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 100.000000 (6553600)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: select-exposure-time Title: Set exposure-time Description: Enable selection of exposure-time Value:

Unit: None

Name: select-calibration-exposure-time Title: Set calibration exposure time Description: Allow different settings for calibration and scan exposure times Value:

Unit: None

Name: select-lamp-density Title: Set lamp density Description: Enable selection of lamp density Value:

Unit: None

Name: lamp-on Title: Lamp on Description: Turn on scanner lamp Value:

Unit: None

Name: lamp-off Title: Lamp off Description: Turn off scanner lamp Value:

Unit: None

Name: lamp-off-at-exit Title: Lamp off at exit Description: Turn off lamp when program exits Value:

Unit: None

Name: batch-scan-start Title: Batch scan start Description: set for first scan of batch Value:

Unit: None

Name: batch-scan-loop Title: Batch scan loop Description: set for middle scans of batch Value:

Unit: None

Name: batch-scan-end Title: Batch scan end Description: set for last scan of batch Value:

Unit: None

Name: batch-scan-next-tl-y Title: Batch scan next top left Y Description: Set top left Y position for next scan Value: Unit: Millimeter Min: 0.000000 (0) Max: 297.179993 (19475988)

Quant: 0.000000 (0)

Name: preview Title: Preview Description: Request a preview-quality scan. Value: 0

Unit: None

Format: 1 Last Frame: 1 Bytes per Line: 2547 Pixel per Line: 849 Lines: 1169 Depth: 8 Scan? (y/n)