mbadolato / iTerm2-Color-Schemes

Over 250 terminal color schemes/themes for iTerm/iTerm2. Includes ports to Terminal, Konsole, PuTTY, Xresources, XRDB, Remmina, Termite, XFCE, Tilda, FreeBSD VT, Terminator, Kitty, MobaXterm, LXTerminal, Microsoft's Windows Terminal, Visual Studio, Alacritty
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Support cool-retro-term themes #373

Open pbnj opened 2 years ago

pbnj commented 2 years ago

cool-retro-term is a retro terminal emulator.

It supports custom themes via JSON files, like so:

  "backgroundColor": "#020000",
  "fontColor": "#5efaac",
  "flickering": 0.2015,
  "horizontalSync": 0.1072,
  "staticNoise": 0.1004,
  "chromaColor": 0.2486,
  "saturationColor": 0.4012,
  "screenCurvature": 0.5,
  "glowingLine": 0.0286,
  "burnIn": 0.0982,
  "bloom": 0.5,
  "rasterization": 0,
  "jitter": 0.2464,
  "rbgShift": 0.0522,
  "brightness": 0.5,
  "contrast": 0.85,
  "ambientLight": 0.0309,
  "windowOpacity": 1,
  "fontName": "System: Nimbus Mono PS",
  "fontWidth": 1,
  "margin": 0.5,
  "name": "The Matrix has you...",
  "version": 2

Many of these properties (e.g. jitter, ambientLight, rasterization, bloom, burnIn, ...etc) are likely not relevant and could possibly be left out. The ones that are relevant are backgroundColor, fontColor, and name, which makes it relatively easy to support.

More example themes can be found here:

jdhmtl commented 2 years ago

At a glance, it appears to cool-retro-term seeks to emulate the look and feel of old monochrome displays. Do colour schemes even make sense in that context? Certainly, you'd lose nearly all the colours.