mbadolato / iTerm2-Color-Schemes

Over 325 terminal color schemes/themes for iTerm/iTerm2. Includes ports to Terminal, Konsole, PuTTY, Xresources, XRDB, Remmina, Termite, XFCE, Tilda, FreeBSD VT, Terminator, Kitty, MobaXterm, LXTerminal, Microsoft's Windows Terminal, Visual Studio, Alacritty, and many more
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Source of truth? #384

Closed alexeyten closed 2 years ago

alexeyten commented 2 years ago

Old generator used xrdb as a source for all other schemes. New one uses schemes and there are some differences.

I've regenerated all files and see this diff:

On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    modified:   Xresources/wilmersdorf
    modified:   alacritty/wilmersdorf.yml
    modified:   dynamic-colors/
    modified:   freebsd_vt/wilmersdorf.conf
    modified:   kitty/wilmersdorf.conf
    modified:   konsole/Blazer.colorscheme
    modified:   konsole/Sublette.colorscheme
    modified:   konsole/wilmersdorf.colorscheme
    modified:   lxterminal/Blazer.conf
    modified:   lxterminal/Sublette.conf
    modified:   lxterminal/wilmersdorf.conf
    modified:   mobaxterm/Blazer.ini
    modified:   mobaxterm/Sublette.ini
    modified:   mobaxterm/wilmersdorf.ini
    modified:   pantheonterminal/
    modified:   putty/Blazer.reg
    modified:   putty/Dark+.reg
    modified:   putty/Dracula+.reg
    modified:   putty/Sublette.reg
    modified:   putty/Tinacious Design (Dark).reg
    modified:   putty/Tinacious Design (Light).reg
    modified:   putty/wilmersdorf.reg
    modified:   remmina/wilmersdorf.colors
    modified:   terminator/wilmersdorf.config
    modified:   termite/wilmersdorf
    modified:   tilda/wilmersdorf.itermcolors_config_0
    modified:   tools/templates/xfce4terminal.theme
    modified:   vscode/wilmersdorf.json
    modified:   wezterm/wilmersdorf.toml
    modified:   windowsterminal/wilmersdorf.json
    modified:   xfce4terminal/colorschemes/wilmersdorf.theme
    modified:   xrdb/Blazer.xrdb
    modified:   xrdb/Sublette.xrdb
    modified:   xrdb/wilmersdorf.xrdb
diff --git a/xrdb/wilmersdorf.xrdb b/xrdb/wilmersdorf.xrdb
index 3746f7c..bb80abf 100644
--- a/xrdb/wilmersdorf.xrdb
+++ b/xrdb/wilmersdorf.xrdb
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 #define Ansi_0_Color #34373e
 #define Ansi_1_Color #e06383
 #define Ansi_10_Color #8fd7d6
-#define Ansi_11_Color #d1dfff
+#define Ansi_11_Color #f5d79a
 #define Ansi_12_Color #b2cff0
 #define Ansi_13_Color #efccfd
 #define Ansi_14_Color #69abc5
-#define Ansi_15_Color #d3d3d3
+#define Ansi_15_Color #f7f7f7
 #define Ansi_2_Color #7ebebd
-#define Ansi_3_Color #cccccc
+#define Ansi_3_Color #dcc28c
 #define Ansi_4_Color #a6c1e0
 #define Ansi_5_Color #e1c1ee
 #define Ansi_6_Color #5b94ab
-#define Ansi_7_Color #ababab
+#define Ansi_7_Color #d3d3d3
 #define Ansi_8_Color #434750
 #define Ansi_9_Color #fa7193
 #define Background_Color #282b33
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #define Cursor_Color #7ebebd
 #define Cursor_Guide_Color #42495e
 #define Cursor_Text_Color #1f2024
-#define Foreground_Color #c6c6c6
+#define Foreground_Color #e7e2e2
 #define Link_Color #d3d3d3
 #define Selected_Text_Color #c6c6c6
 #define Selection_Color #1f2024

Should we regenerate all files (and may be screenshots)?

jdhmtl commented 2 years ago

It first converted .itermcolors to .xrdb, so the source of truth shouldn't have changed.

alexeyten commented 2 years ago

OK, Blazer and Sublette are just reordering fields (new generator sort them by name). So we should probably just regenerate and commit them.

But wilmersdorf was originally broken:

Foreground color is different in iterm and xrdb in original commit: