Open hohonuuli opened 5 months ago
We're on wifi, so we don't really have a fixed hostname. I'm setting up the annotationstation1
to use localhost. This is set in bin/
. I'll have to change that when they get the machine wired and set up a 2nd annotation station.
On a fresh install, the vars-kb-server and the vars-user-server were throwing errors. I think this is due to a copy of MBARI's KB being loaded, which takes some time. I let it sit for a few minutes and restarted the services ( &&
) and they came up fine.
Running results in:
--- BUILDING VARS Knowledgebase Application
Base Directory: /Users/annotationstation1/workspace/m3-quickstart/bin
KB JDBC URL: jdbc:postgresql://
Building vars-kb in /Users/annotationstation1/workspace/m3-quickstart/temp/repos/vars-kb
Cloning into 'vars-kb'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 2503, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (291/291), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (184/184), done.
remote: Total 2503 (delta 118), reused 227 (delta 74), pack-reused 2212
Receiving objects: 100% (2503/2503), 3.72 MiB | 16.57 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1216/1216), done.
Welcome to Gradle 8.8!
Here are the highlights of this release:
- Running Gradle on Java 22
- Configurable Gradle daemon JVM
- Improved IDE performance for large projects
For more details see
Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
> Configure project :
Project :org.mbari.kb.core => 'org.mbari.kb.core' Java module
Jdeps Gradle plugin 0.20.0. Consider becoming a patron at
Project :org.mbari.kb.jpa => 'org.mbari.kb.jpa' Java module
Project :org.mbari.kb.shared => 'org.mbari.kb.shared' Java module
Project :org.mbari.kb.ui => 'org.mbari.kb.ui' Java module
> Task :org.mbari.kb.core:compileJava FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':org.mbari.kb.core:compileJava'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':org.mbari.kb.core:compileClasspath'.
> Could not resolve org.mbari:mbarix4j:2.0.5.jre11.
Required by:
project :org.mbari.kb.core
> Could not resolve org.mbari:mbarix4j:2.0.5.jre11.
> Could not get resource ''.
> Could not GET ''. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden
> There is 1 more failure with an identical cause.
* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.
> Get more help at
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
1 actionable task: 1 executed
--- BUILDING VARS Query Application
Base Directory: /Users/annotationstation1/workspace/m3-quickstart/bin
ANNOSAURUS JDBC URL: jdbc:postgresql://
Building vars-query in /Users/annotationstation1/workspace/m3-quickstart/temp/repos/vars-query
Cloning into 'vars-query'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1492, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (152/152), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (94/94), done.
remote: Total 1492 (delta 51), reused 111 (delta 32), pack-reused 1340
Receiving objects: 100% (1492/1492), 3.05 MiB | 11.84 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (779/779), done.
Welcome to Gradle 8.6!
Here are the highlights of this release:
- Configurable encryption key for configuration cache
- Build init improvements
- Build authoring improvements
For more details see
Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
> Task :compileJava FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':compileClasspath'.
> Could not resolve com.guigarage:sdkfx:0.3.0.jre21.
Required by:
project :
> Could not resolve com.guigarage:sdkfx:0.3.0.jre21.
> Could not get resource ''.
> Could not GET ''. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden
> Could not resolve org.bushe:eventbus:1.5.
Required by:
project :
> Could not resolve org.bushe:eventbus:1.5.
> Could not get resource ''.
> Could not GET ''. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden
> Could not resolve org.mbari:mbarix4j:2.0.5.jre11.
Required by:
project :
> Could not resolve org.mbari:mbarix4j:2.0.5.jre11.
> Could not get resource ''.
> Could not GET ''. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden
* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.
> Get more help at
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
1 actionable task: 1 executed
I've been fighting a battle with GitHub personal access tokens. The default (classic) are no longer able to read from MBARI's GitHub packages. I had to switch to the fine-grained tokens (in beta). Those tokens can read for GitHub packages, but I can't get it to write.
This broke the KB build as it depends on an unreleased version of mbarix4j. The workaround was to copy most of the mbarix4j code into the project and remove that dependency. So it now builds.
A note that the JVM has changed so much since the vars-kb was written that the app is barely usable anymore. Need to roll out and a new web interface ASAP.
Building the vars-query is failing for the same reasons above, I can't publish updated artifacts to GitHub packages. Also, the build was failing with maven 3.9.7 (the latest) as noted at Working on fixes.
Workaround is to install sdkfx and eventbus locally.
Note that the VARS KB is not deleting concepts. Need to investigate that.
Installed vars-gridview, but it's built for SQL Server only and not postgres. Issue I ran into for the install are mbari-org/vars-gridview#77, mbari-org/vars-gridview#78, and mbari-org/vars-gridview#79
cd ~/workspace/m3-quickstart/bin
conda activate m3-quickstart
# ./ <camera name> <deployment name> <url to directory listing> -e
./ "PICA" "PICA 008" "" -e
flag tells the script to extract the video's creation time from the video metadata. If omitted, the script will parse the timestamp from the filename. For Pica cam, the name has the wrong timestamp because
- it's in local time instead of UTC
- Files in a sequence will all have the same timestamp, followed by a sequence number
So, it's very important to remember to use the
flag with the PICA camThe
flag is not needed for the TopoCam[!NOTE] Make sure the url ends with a
or you will get an exception.
in Findermedia
) create a directory for your video deployment. For example TopoCam/11
command with the correct arguments.
flag.The PICA cam has a Seabird CTD attached. I'm including the sample file here. The best way to read it in python is using the seabird package (pip install seabird
). I ran a test with it:
>>> import seabird
>>> from seabird.cnv import fCNV
File "<stdin>", line 1
from seabird.cnv import fCNV
IndentationError: unexpected indent
>>> from seabird.cnv import fCNV
>>> profile = fCNV('/Users/annotationstation1/workspace/m3-quickstart/temp/media/PICA005/DunkTest1_20240522_23_24_59.cnv')
>>> profile.attributes
{'sbe_model': '19plus V2', 'seasave': 'V', 'instrument_type': 'CTD', 'nquan': '27', 'nvalues': '2607', 'start_time': 'May 22 2024 23:24:59 [System UTC, header]', 'bad_flag': '-9.990e-29', 'file_type': 'ascii', 'md5': 'ad739e8af38ad74e4797be5d22fb09af', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 22, 23, 24, 59), 'filename': 'DunkTest1_20240522_23_24_59.cnv'}
>>> profile.keys()
['altM', 'CNDC', 'c0mS/cm', 'c0uS/cm', 'density', 'DEPTH', 'descentrate', 'flECO-AFL', 'oxygenvoltage', 'oxygen_ml_L', 'prdM', 'potemperature', 'potemp068C', 'tv290C', 'tv268C', 'turbWETntu0', 'timeS', 'timeM', 'timeH', 'timeJ', 'v0', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v5', 'flag']
>>> profile['DEPTH']
masked_array(data=[-0.077, -0.12 , -0.12 , ..., -0.119, -0.14 , -0.13 ],
>>> profile['potemperature']
masked_array(data=[14.3776, 14.3775, 14.3774, ..., 14.3658, 14.3658,
14.366 ],
[!NOTE] I'll write a transform later for Astrid when she has a file with GPS included after a ship deployment.
Added Astrid (@abruptbathylab) with read access to so she can pull changes in the future. Note that m3-download uses pymssql to execute the following query, so it doesn't work with postgres:
a.uuid AS association_uuid,
o.uuid AS observation_uuid,
ir.uuid AS image_reference_uuid,
vr.width AS video_reference_width,
vr.height AS video_reference_height
M3_ANNOTATIONS.dbo.associations a INNER JOIN
M3_ANNOTATIONS.dbo.observations o ON a.observation_uuid = o.uuid INNER JOIN
M3_ANNOTATIONS.dbo.imaged_moments im ON o.imaged_moment_uuid = im.uuid INNER JOIN
M3_VIDEO_ASSETS.dbo.video_references vr ON im.video_reference_uuid = vr.uuid INNER JOIN
M3_VIDEO_ASSETS.dbo.videos v ON vr.video_uuid = v.uuid INNER JOIN
M3_VIDEO_ASSETS.dbo.video_sequences vs ON v.video_sequence_uuid = vs.uuid LEFT JOIN
M3_ANNOTATIONS.dbo.image_references ir ON JSON_VALUE(a.link_value, '$.image_reference_uuid') = ir.uuid
a.link_name = 'bounding box'
EDIT: I submitted mbari-org/m3-download#2 to investigate removing the SQL dependency so Astrid can download training sets from her data.
Added pythia support to Astrid's docker compose file. I converted the fathomnet meg detector to torch script and renamed it best.torchscript
and also create best.names
file with a single line of object
. I put both in docker/pythia
. I added the following to the docker ocmpose:
image: mbari/pythia
restart: always
- "9999:8080"
- ${BASE_DIR}/docker/pythia:/opt/models
- m3
command: run /opt/models/mbari_astrid_osu_yolov8_1280_2024-06-12.torchscript /opt/models/mbari_astrid_osu_yolov8_1280_2024-06-12.names
# command: run /opt/models/fathomnet_megalodon.torchscript /opt/models/fathomnet_megalodon.names
Associations are not show in alphabetical order in the add association compbo box or when they add a quick button. Fix this in VARS
Astrid was testing annotating on MBARI's db across VPN. Annotation works just fine, but Sharktopoda does not connect to VARS when VPN is up. This means Sharktopoda still works as a video player, but you can't localize using Sharktopoda as it can't tell VARS about new localizations.
On the VARS Annotation toolbar, select the gear button (settings) and then in the dialog that pops up, the Configuration Server button.
Field | Value |
URL | |
VARS Username | astridl |
VARS Password | your VARS password |
Field | Value |
URL | |
VARS Username | admin |
VARS Password | the admin password |
I added a script bin/
that calls bin/etc/
. Usage is:
usage: [-h] cnv_file video_sequence_name year
positional arguments:
cnv_file The cnv file to convert to csv
video_sequence_name Video Sequence Name is the deployment ID or expedition ID of the video. e.g.
'Doc Ricketts 1234'
year The year to use for the timeJ conversion
-h, --help show this help message and exit
It's really a starting point as it will need to be modified when you start capturing position. Maybe Savana can updated it?. It will need to have it __parse
method modified when lat and long are available. Currently its:
def __parse(cnv_file: str, year: int):
profile = fCNV(cnv_file)
n = len(profile['timeJ'])
for i in range(n):
timeJ = profile['timeJ'][i]
altitude = profile["altM"][i]
depth_meters = profile["DEPTH"][i]
temperature = profile["potemperature"][i]
oxygen = profile["oxygen_ml_L"][i]
dt = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=(timeJ - 1))
date = dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
yield {
# "latitude": latitude,
# "longitude": longitude,
"depth_meters": depth_meters,
"temperature_celsius": temperature,
"oxygen_ml_l": oxygen,
# "salinity": salinity,
"recorded_timestamp": date,
"altitude": altitude,
Notes from @lonnylundsten and @kwalz on the model they trained for Astrid:
From Kris:
Hi Brian and Astrid,
Attached is the mapping we did to Astrid's complexes with our concepts (third column was a number Astrid had on her complexes so I left here), a few have no localizations like Nanomia 2 and krill ind. Let us know if you have any questions on these.
From Lonny, the final counts of localizations per complex (note: eggs was associated with Teuthoidea eggcase, we left it in because it was too hard to tease those apart and number low):
These are the final counts:
Aegina spp, 2813
Appendicularian, 2320
Beroe_cmplx, 3931
Chaetognatha, 4066
Cydippid_cmplx, 3277
Earleria, 716
Euphausiacea, 5477
Eusergestes similis, 3777
Halicreatidae, 1058
Hastigerinella digitata, 936
Krill molt, 866
Lobata, 8963
Medusae_unID, 412
Merluccius productus, 7213
Mycto_Leuro cmplx, 1848
Mysida, 2484
Nanomia bijuga, 9417
Pasiphaea pacifica, 848
Physonectae, 1606
Poeobius meseres, 3113
Prayid_rockets, 3020
Pyrosoma, 4577
Salp, 2650
Sebastes, 1839
Siphonophorae, 691
Solmissus, 5308
Teuthoidea, 6865
eggs, 59
From Lonny:
Model training just finished. It took 25 hours. Where would you like me to put the model and associated data Brian? I can put it in M3_ML on titan if thatβs easy enough for you to grab?
50 epochs completed in 25.301 hours.
Optimizer stripped from runs/detect/train24/weights/[](, 136.9MB
Optimizer stripped from runs/detect/train24/weights/[](, 136.9MB
Validating runs/detect/train24/weights/[](
Ultralytics YOLOv8.2.31 π Python-3.10.14 torch-2.3.1 CUDA:0 (NVIDIA L4, 22478MiB)
CUDA:1 (NVIDIA L4, 22478MiB)
CUDA:2 (NVIDIA L4, 22478MiB)
CUDA:3 (NVIDIA L4, 22478MiB)
CUDA:4 (NVIDIA L4, 22478MiB)
CUDA:5 (NVIDIA L4, 22478MiB)
CUDA:6 (NVIDIA L4, 22478MiB)
CUDA:7 (NVIDIA L4, 22478MiB)
Model summary (fused): 268 layers, 68150532 parameters, 0 gradients, 257.5 GFLOPs
Class Images Instances Box(P R mAP50 mAP50-95): 100%|ββββββββββ| 892/892 [0
all 7131 9175 0.657 0.696 0.719 0.485
Teuthoidea 509 775 0.859 0.848 0.913 0.685
Pasiphaea pacifica 85 87 0.762 0.782 0.844 0.543
Poeobius meseres 300 313 0.576 0.553 0.638 0.36
Lobata 905 907 0.804 0.931 0.945 0.804
Pyrosoma 254 489 0.73 0.675 0.723 0.428
Nanomia bijuga 776 985 0.571 0.709 0.672 0.419
Cydippid_cmplx 328 332 0.753 0.801 0.83 0.569
Prayid_rockets 257 301 0.548 0.648 0.619 0.393
Beroe_cmplx 368 371 0.765 0.798 0.858 0.645
Appendicularian 249 253 0.696 0.787 0.844 0.589
Mysida 221 221 0.735 0.842 0.826 0.467
Aegina spp 254 267 0.66 0.831 0.795 0.522
Earleria 70 70 0.707 0.828 0.865 0.546
Salp 262 272 0.568 0.721 0.7 0.487
Eusergestes similis 372 389 0.594 0.63 0.636 0.342
Medusae_unID 34 34 0.456 0.173 0.229 0.189
Solmissus 515 533 0.896 0.91 0.952 0.768
Sebastes 126 169 0.653 0.828 0.77 0.578
Chaetognatha 390 401 0.536 0.589 0.633 0.348
Krill molt 78 85 0.412 0.412 0.381 0.165
Halicreatidae 114 115 0.829 0.887 0.917 0.694
Physonectae 105 143 0.773 0.804 0.825 0.551
Euphausiacea 340 584 0.545 0.355 0.453 0.225
Hastigerinella digitata 85 87 0.576 0.621 0.666 0.349
Mycto_Leuro cmplx 152 171 0.556 0.462 0.541 0.35
Merluccius productus 165 742 0.573 0.686 0.683 0.418
Siphonophorae 72 72 0.381 0.375 0.368 0.242
eggs 7 7 0.887 1 0.995 0.899
Speed: 0.4ms preprocess, 32.6ms inference, 0.0ms loss, 0.7ms postprocess per image
The model and associated training stuff is available here:
For pythia, the model needs to be converted to torch script and a names files is need.
conda activate ultralytics
yolo export format=torchscript imgsz=1280
To get started I did the following:
Write merge code for PICA metadatam3-quickstart is installed on on