mbari-org / vars-annotation

Video Annotation Application for MBARI's Media Management (M3) software stack
Apache License 2.0
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Integrate image ML endpoint into VARS #136

Closed hohonuuli closed 1 year ago

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

@kevinsbarnard has spun up a copy of on (API). Add integration with VARS.

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

See also

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

Adding code to display the bounding boxes on a single annotation (read-only) in the normal image view in VARS. The boxes aren't yet displayed though, it's not clear why yet.

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

Localizations are now displayed. A java module issue was silently causing things to fail. 😠 imgfx

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

API SPec is at Example response:

  "success": true,
  "predictions": [
      "category_id": "Microstomus pacificus",
      "scores": [
      "bbox": [
      "category_id": "Asteroidea",
      "scores": [
      "bbox": [
hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

TODO Add configuration pane for ML service

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

Internal Workflow:

  actor U as User
  participant C as ConfigPane
  participant P as Preferences
  participant V as VARS
  participant M as MLService
  participant S as Sharktopoda
  participant A as MLStage

  Note over U, M: ML Endpoint Configuration
  U-)C: Set/Update ML endpoint
  U-)C: Close Settings/ConfigPane
  C-)M: Close existing MLService (in Data)
  C-)P: Save endpoint to local preferences
  Note over U, A: Manually trigger prediction
  U->>+V: Run Prediction
  V->>V: Get ML Service from <Data>
  alt no ML service
    V->>+P: Look up endpoint
    P-->>-V: <endpoint>
    alt endpoint does not exist
        V-XU: Notify user to set endpoint
    else endpoint exists
        V->>V: Create new MLService/store in <Data>

  V->>V: Get/Create MLService from Data
  V->>+S: Framegrab
  S-->>-V: <image>
  V-->>+M: Run Prediction
  M->>-V: <bounding boxes>
  V-)A: Show bounding boxes to user
  U-)A: Edit/Approve/Cancel
  A-)V: <HandlePredictionsCmd>
  A->>A: Close Window
  V->>-U: <done>
hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

This is related to mbari-org/vars-feedback#16

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

Save workflow ...

  1. Grab image as PNG
    • async save to disk and hold on to path
  2. Convert to JPG.
    • async save to disk and hold on to path
    • async send to ML server
  3. On complete actions
    1. Save annotations
      1. Convert localizations to annotations.
      2. Add to a bulk save command and publish on the event bus
      3. Delete PNG and JPG from local cache
      4. Clean up Stage and hide it.
    2. Save image and annotations
      1. Save png and jpg similar to FrameCaptureCmd
      2. Convert localizations to annotations.
      3. Add image_reference_uuid to bounding box
      4. Add to a bulk save command and publish on the event bus
      5. Delete PNG and JPG from local cache
      6. Clean up Stage and hide it.
    3. Cancel
      1. Delete PNG and JPG from local cache
      2. Clean up Stage and hide it.

Note Bounding boxes without an image_reference_uuid are assumed to belong to the video that their owner observations belong too

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

Pushed as release 1.4.0-rc1 to video lab

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

The new endpoint internal at MBARI is CVision AI model server is deployed with GPU ID 3 (consumes ~1.7 GB VRAM)

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

In production use since 1.4.1 release