mbashem / cftracker
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Few UI improvement's requests #131

Open vishal-kumar4 opened 1 week ago

vishal-kumar4 commented 1 week ago

1)The info button seems kinda broken as functionality wise it displays info on click where as it would be better if we enable it to display info on hover for certain time and then info gets vanish.

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 1 40 58 PM

2)Wouldn't it be good if we add a logo of cftracker on left of "CFTRACKER" on the page like any other standard websites.

3)Issues page has route name as "/comments" flow wise it will be better if we have route as "/issues" itself and when i click on issues button page takes time to render info and loading animation on this page is stopping too early leaving the screen blank for few seconds

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 1 45 04 PM

4)We don't have a login/sign up option anywhere in the UI where as we are required to login to make a comment in the issues page, it will be good if we can create a login/sign-up page for users.

mbashem commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the suggestions.

vishal-kumar4 commented 1 week ago

Sure, thanks for reading them patiently, i would like to implement the 2nd and 3rd, will raise a PR real quick ..

vishal-kumar4 commented 1 week ago

other minor issues have been addressed in the PR, one point :About the 3rd point in the first comment in this issue : about the loading animation : we will need to change the flow of how we are using the lazy rendering and using [suspense, fallback] for loading , and instead can go with use state hook for the components for displaying loading animation flawlessly, bcoz i tried and researched a little current flow has the issue of early stopping of the loading screen ..

mbashem commented 1 week ago

Sure, if you can improve the current system, go ahead.

vishal-kumar4 commented 1 week ago

Thanks sure, ..