mbasso / react-decoration

A collection of decorators for React Components
MIT License
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add support for debounce && throttle ? #2

Closed mydearxym closed 7 years ago

mydearxym commented 7 years ago

General Information


debounce and throttle are very common in dev, could it be added?

mbasso commented 7 years ago

Hi @mydearxym, yes, good idea. I'll start developing them in the next few days

mydearxym commented 7 years ago

great! looking forward 👍

mbasso commented 7 years ago

@mydearxym I have just published react-decoration@1.3.0 with debounce and throttle decorators 🎉 🎊 , check it here. Let me know if I can close this issue

mydearxym commented 7 years ago

very cool 👍 it looks perfect !

and it's nice if babel-plugin-transform-decorators is added to docs too

mbasso commented 7 years ago

Here is the new introduction that explains how to parse decorators with babel.

mydearxym commented 7 years ago

great ! we can close the issue , thanks very much !