Open mbaudin47 opened 5 years ago
Below is an implementation of the four-branch serial system from Waarts 2000, adapted from a script from Vincent Chabridon.
Here is a ipynb implementation:
Here is the Python implementation:
# # A two-dimensional four-branch serial system (Waarts, 2000)
# ## References
# * [1] Waarts, P.-H. (2000). "Structural reliability using finite element methods: an appraisal of
# DARS: Directional Adaptive Response Surface Sampling." PhD thesis. Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands.
# * [2] Dubourg, V. (2011). "Adaptive surrogate models for reliability analysis and reliability-based design
# optimization". PhD thesis. Université Blaise Pascal – Clermont II.
# ## Numerical example with OpenTURNS
import openturns as ot
import numpy as np
## Input probabilistic model
x0 = ot.Normal(0.,1.)
x1 = ot.Normal(0.,1.)
inputDistribution = ot.ComposedDistribution((x0,x1))
inputRandomVector = ot.RandomVector(inputDistribution)
## Limit-state function
formulaList = ['var y0 := 3 + 0.1 * (x0 - x1)^2 - (x0 + x1) / sqrt(2)',
'var y1 := 3 + 0.1 * (x0 - x1)^2 + (x0 + x1) / sqrt(2)',
'var y2 := x0 - x1 + 7 / sqrt(2)',
'var y3 := x1 - x0 + 7 / sqrt(2)',
'y := min(y0,y1,y2,y3)']
formula = ';'.join(formulaList)
waartsfunction = ot.SymbolicFunction(['x0', 'x1'], ['y'], formula)
y = waartsfunction([2.1,2.1])
## Creation d'une PythonFunction
def waartsfunction_py(x):
y0 = 3+0.1*(x[0]-x[1])**2-(x[0]+x[1])/(2**0.5)
y1 = 3+0.1*(x[0]-x[1])**2+(x[0]+x[1])/(2**0.5)
y2 = x[0]-x[1]+7/(2**0.5)
y3 = x[1]-x[0]+7/(2**0.5)
return [y]
yy = waartsfunction_py([2.1,2.1])
myfunction = ot.PythonFunction(2,1,waartsfunction_py)
y = myfunction([2.1,2.1])
outputVect = ot.CompositeRandomVector(myfunction, inputRandomVector)
montecarlosize = 1000
outputSample = outputVect.getSample(montecarlosize)
histo = ot.HistogramFactory().build(outputSample)
This is the picture from Waarts (2000) page 58.
The probability is given in terms of beta = 2.9.
Page 160, more details are provided with beta = 2.85.
The shape of the unsafe domain is presented page 69.
Here is the plot in Dubourg page 183.
Waarts, P.-H. (2000). Structural reliability using finite element methods: an appraisal of DARS: Directional Adaptive Response Surface Sampling. Ph. D. thesis, Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands.
See :
Thèse Vincent Dubourg 2011, Méta-modèles adaptatifs pour l’analyse de fiabilité et l’optimisation sous contrainte fiabiliste, section "A two-dimensional four-branch serial system", page 182: