mbaz / Gaston.jl

A julia front-end for gnuplot.
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Interactive Plots in Pluto? #146

Closed VarLad closed 3 years ago

VarLad commented 3 years ago

Any way to rotate and zoom the 3d plots in Pluto?

mbaz commented 3 years ago

It is technically possible, but not supported right now. See

The canvas and svg terminals support javascript. I have not yet tested any of them in Pluto, but I think they should work. The main reason Gaston defaults to PNG in notebooks is that text terminals such as canvas and svg tend to require multimegabyte amounts of data, which makes interaction with sliders a bit slow.

A workaround is to create Pluto sliders associated with view and range arguments. view allows rotation, and range would allow you to zoom in and out.

Anyway, I will probably have time to look into this in the next 2-3 weeks. Any help, or feedback from any experiments you run, are very much appreciated.

VarLad commented 3 years ago

How about the same for VSCode? Is it possible?

mbaz commented 3 years ago

Regarding view, have you tried changing both its arguments? You'll need one slider per argument.

Regarding VS Code, it is supported but not yet documented, see However, Gaston will still generate PNGs, so the rotating/zooming issue remains the same.

VarLad commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply! I did try many things with the svg terminal but couldn't get it to rotate....

VarLad commented 3 years ago

Regarding view, have you tried changing both its arguments? You'll need one slider per argument.

Not yet.... I'm trying more for a free rotate....

VarLad commented 3 years ago

The zooming ability might not be really needed... The current plot size is good enough... But rotation for 3D plots is kinda important... How does X11 terminal do it... I wonder....

mbaz commented 3 years ago

It seems to work pretty well. Hopefully you can use this workaround until I can figure out how to include javascript in the plot itself.


VarLad commented 3 years ago

@mbaz If you're using svg, do you mind if I ask of a feature where we can just see the coordinates at the cursor? Kinda like this(from gnuplot demo) It should be trivial to implement, if you're using svg! Screenshot from 2020-10-11 23-06-50 It would be awesome if you could somehow do this for 3-d plots too, 3 coordinates on the mouse cursor

VarLad commented 3 years ago with might help...... If you know the x and y coordinates of the mouse, real time, then you can use this with view to make the plot rotate with mouse dragging. Same goes for knowing the co-ordinates in a 3D plot.

VarLad commented 3 years ago

Hey, do you think that the rotation feature will survive export to static html option? The slider still works(even though its values don't), when exported to static html. Maybe the plots can survive that too

mbaz commented 3 years ago

No, I don't think it will. There's no longer an active Julia process or a gnuplot process with static html.

VarLad commented 3 years ago

But the plot image will be svg and you'll rotate it using javascript, right?

mbaz commented 3 years ago

I still need to (1) confirm gnuplot's capabilities with SVG+JS, (2) give this capability to Gaston, and (3) see that it actually works in a notebook.

VarLad commented 3 years ago

THANKS! Counting on you for that!😁

VarLad commented 3 years ago

I think its definitely possible for the plots with rotation to survive when exported to static html! I was just checking out plotly backend of Plots in Pluto.jl And (this is from Plots documentation Screenshot from 2020-10-17 04-10-35 )

You can try it yourself(in a Pluto notebook), if you ever get time. Here's the code!

using Plots


    n = 100
    ts = range(0, stop = 8π, length = n)
    x = ts .* map(cos, ts)
    y = (0.1ts) .* map(sin, ts)
    z = 1:n
    plot(x, y, z, zcolor = reverse(z), m = (10, 0.8, :blues, Plots.stroke(0)), leg =    false, cbar = true, w = 5)
    plot!(zeros(n), zeros(n), 1:n, w = 10)

The source of the html file created might serve as a good reference!

VarLad commented 3 years ago

Also, not all the features of plotly are requested, but

  1. Free rotation using mouse
  2. zooming (optional, PlutoUI + Slider + view(...,scale,zscale) works really good on this!)
  3. x,y and z co-ordinates on the cursor It'd be nice if Gaston plots could provide these features!😅
VarLad commented 3 years ago

For the above features, you might want to check out d3.js Its simple to use and is being used by plotly too! This might give you a really good headstart! and

mbaz commented 3 years ago

After some work, I've decided not to implement this (at least in the short term).

So, the best alternative is to set up sliders or other UI in Pluto to control the different parameters of the plot. Unfortunately, this rules out a static page.

VarLad commented 3 years ago

Yeah... I think its not worth it to implement it... atleast at the current moment.... As for Canvas and SVG, you're on point, I tested both myself... The closest you can get is recompiling the qt terminal for web with WASM....By the way, BinaryBuilder has plans to make webasm available as a platform for binaries! That'll open dozens of new options(especially for an old software like gnuplot), although nothing comes before next year.... I hope I've skills and time enough to work on it myself if doesn't come in an year or two😀

VarLad commented 3 years ago

Thanks for taking the time anyway😄

mbaz commented 3 years ago

You're welcome -- and thanks for all the suggestions.