mbbsemu / MBBSEmu

The MajorBBS Emulation Project is an Open Source, Cross-Platform emulator for easily running The MajorBBS & Worldgroup Modules
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Module Crash Isolation #590

Closed enusbaum closed 8 months ago

enusbaum commented 9 months ago

Modules that crash during execution are now isolated and will not crash the entire process.

We accomplish this by wrapping the Execute() method in MbbsModule in a try/catch and handling exceptions that come from the execution of the CPU code. From there, it generates a crash report and saves it to a file with a unique file name.

MbbsHost is notified via the MessagingService that a module has crashed and needs to be disabled. Any user in the module is gracefully exited back to the main menu and their current "in module" session is cleaned up by invoking ExitModule() on the channel (cleans up VDA, clears input, etc.)

Currently the only way to re-enable the module is through restarting MBBSEmu (as the INIT routine would need to be re-run, and can only be run at startup) -- but this is something we can address in a future update.

GUI example of crash: image

Example crash report Crash_HVSTW_20230930120627.txt:

This is an MBBSEmu Module Crash Report. This report contains detailed information 
to help the MBBSEmu team diagnose and debug the issue this module ran into while 
running within the emulator. 

You can submit this report to the MBBSEmu team by opening an issue on GitHub at:

Please include the following information (copy/paste):

MBBSEmu vDevelopment (Overwritten in Github Actions) Module Crash Report
Date: 9/30/2023
Time: 12:06 PM
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10.0.22621
Processor: X64

Module Identifier: HVSTW
Module Path: C:\dos\mount\modules\tw2002\
DLL Size: 652572
DLL Hash: 2436FCC4

Exception: SQLite Error 19: 'You modified a non-modifiable key_2!'.
Stack Trace: 
   at Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException.ThrowExceptionForRC(Int32 rc, sqlite3 db)
   at Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteDataReader.NextResult()
   at Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
   at Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
   at MBBSEmu.Btrieve.BtrieveFileProcessor.Update(UInt32 offset, Byte[] recordData) in C:\Users\eric\Documents\GitHub\MBBSEmu\MBBSEmu\Btrieve\BtrieveFileProcessor.cs:line 559
   at MBBSEmu.Btrieve.BtrieveFileProcessor.Update(Byte[] recordData) in C:\Users\eric\Documents\GitHub\MBBSEmu\MBBSEmu\Btrieve\BtrieveFileProcessor.cs:line 510
   at MBBSEmu.HostProcess.ExportedModules.Majorbbs.updateBtv() in C:\Users\eric\Documents\GitHub\MBBSEmu\MBBSEmu\HostProcess\ExportedModules\Majorbbs.cs:line 2707
   at MBBSEmu.HostProcess.ExportedModules.Majorbbs.updbtv() in C:\Users\eric\Documents\GitHub\MBBSEmu\MBBSEmu\HostProcess\ExportedModules\Majorbbs.cs:line 6571
   at MBBSEmu.HostProcess.ExportedModules.Majorbbs.Invoke(UInt16 ordinal, Boolean offsetsOnly) in C:\Users\eric\Documents\GitHub\MBBSEmu\MBBSEmu\HostProcess\ExportedModules\Majorbbs.cs:line 745
   at MBBSEmu.HostProcess.ExecutionUnits.ExecutionUnit.ExternalFunctionDelegate(UInt16 ordinal, UInt16 functionOrdinal) in C:\Users\eric\Documents\GitHub\MBBSEmu\MBBSEmu\HostProcess\ExecutionUnits\ExecutionUnit.cs:line 76
   at MBBSEmu.CPU.CpuCore.Op_Call() in C:\Users\eric\Documents\GitHub\MBBSEmu\MBBSEmu\CPU\CPUCore.cs:line 2955
   at MBBSEmu.CPU.CpuCore.Tick() in C:\Users\eric\Documents\GitHub\MBBSEmu\MBBSEmu\CPU\CPUCore.cs:line 432
   at MBBSEmu.HostProcess.ExecutionUnits.ExecutionUnit.Execute(FarPtr entryPoint, UInt16 channelNumber, Boolean simulateCallFar, Boolean bypassState, Queue`1 initialStackValues, UInt16 initialStackPointer) in C:\Users\eric\Documents\GitHub\MBBSEmu\MBBSEmu\HostProcess\ExecutionUnits\ExecutionUnit.cs:line 126
   at MBBSEmu.Module.MbbsModule.Execute(FarPtr entryPoint, UInt16 channelNumber, Boolean simulateCallFar, Boolean bypassSetState, Queue`1 initialStackValues, UInt16 initialStackPointer) in C:\Users\eric\Documents\GitHub\MBBSEmu\MBBSEmu\Module\MBBSModule.cs:line 315

CPU Instruction: 
call far ptr 0FFFFh:026Dh

CPU Registers:
AX=1000  BX=1000  CX=0008  DX=CD70  DS=003C  ES=1000
SI=E43D  DI=0028  SS=0000  IP=0278  SP=FFC2  BP=FFC2

Module Memory Stack:
0 bytes, 0xFFC2 -> 0xFFC2
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