mbcalli / mlb-twitterbot

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How do I run this? #1

Open itsRabb opened 3 months ago

itsRabb commented 3 months ago

I am getting

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/content/mlb-twitterbot/mlb_grapher.py", line 11, in game_id_input = sys.argv[1] IndexError: list index out of range

changed all file paths & twitter API key(you should probably remove yours mate and just put like YOUR API in the mlb_standings)

I would like to get this up and running but rather than all teams I just plan to focus on my favorites. Any advice on what I am doing wrong and how to get it up and running. I also have a PI sitting in the corner I would like to run this on.


mbcalli commented 3 months ago

Hi Rabb,

It's meant to be run by a Cron job with command line arguments. sys.argv is a list of command line arguments. In this case, it's looking for the game_id which corresponds to the ID of the game from statsapi.

Thanks for the heads up about the API key, but they are expired.

itsRabb commented 3 months ago

Hey, mbcalli

Thanks for responding. I am new to the whole twitter bot side and cron job(built my first discord mlb prediction bot not to long ago and still learning as I go along) So if I grabbed myself a Rasp Pi, Will I have a much easier time running this? I really like this concept as its something I am currently doing with my discord bot but using pybaseball stats and created a formula to predict winners off stats.

Is there any way of running this on CMD Windows? Sorry if I am asking such stupid and beginner questions.