mbdavid / LiteDB

LiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file
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Not all data is being inserted to Database. No errors thrown when debugging. #710

Closed LiamKenneth closed 5 years ago

LiamKenneth commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm changing my Project to use LiteDB instead of Mongo and have this code to save player data:

using (var db = new LiteDatabase(@"C:\MyData.db"))
    var col = db.GetCollection<Player>("Player");

This saves some data but not all:

_id, Inventory, Equipment, Skills, ActiveFighting, Affects, Followers

It should be inserting all the properties from my Player class. Wondering if you know why most of them are being skipped.

Player properties:

   public int Id { get; set; } 

        public string HubGuid;

        public DateTime JoinedDate;

        public DateTime LastCommandTime;

        public PlayerTypes Type = PlayerTypes.Mob;

        public string Email;

        public string Description;

        public string Password;

        // General Info
        public string Name;

        public bool KnownByName;

        public string Gender;

        public string Race;

        public string SelectedClass;

        public int Level;

        public int AlignmentScore;

        public int TotalExperience;

        public int Experience;

        public int ExperienceToNextLevel;

        public int HitPoints;

        public int MaxHitPoints;

        public int ManaPoints;

        public int MaxManaPoints;

        public int MovePoints;

        public int MaxMovePoints;

        public List<Item> Inventory { get; set; }

        public Equipment Equipment { get; set; }

        public List<Skill> Skills { get; set; }

        public Skill ActiveSkill { get; set; }

        public bool ActiveFighting{ get; set; }

        public List<Affect> Affects { get; set; } = new List<Affect>();

        public List<Player> Followers { get; set; } = new List<Player>();

        public Player Following { get; set; }

        public string Pose { get; set; }

        //Game stats
        public int Explored;

        public int HitRoll;

        public int DamRoll;

        public int Wimpy;

        public int Hours;

        public int Weight;

        public int MaxWeight;

        public PlayerStatus Status;

        public Player Target;

        public int ArmorRating;

        public int Saves;

        public int MobKills;

        public int MobDeaths;

        public int Pkills;

        public int PkDeaths;

        public int PkPoints;

        public int Gold;

        public int Silver;

        public int Copper;

        // attributes
        public int Strength;

        public int Dexterity;

        public int Constitution;

        public int Wisdom;

        public int Intelligence;

        public int Charisma;

        public int MaxStrength;

        public int MaxDexterity;

        public int MaxConstitution;

        public int MaxWisdom;

        public int MaxIntelligence;

        public int MaxCharisma;

        public string Region;

        public string Area;

        public int AreaId;

        public Recall Recall;

        public int Practices;

        public int Trains;

        public bool nonDectect = false;

        public bool invis = false;

        public bool DetectInvis = false;

        public bool hidden = false;

        public bool DetectHidden= false;

        public bool poisoned = false;

        public int intoxicationLevel = 0;

        //Equal to con
        public int intoxicationMaxLevel = 12; 

        public List<Quest> QuestLog;

        //NPC Properties
        public List<string> Emotes;

        //NPC Properties
        public Guid NPCId;

        public String NPCLongName;

        //NPC Properties
        public bool Roam;

        //NPC Properties
        public List<string> PathList;

        public int PathCount;

        //NPC Properties
        public bool Aggro;

        //NPC Properties
        public bool Greet = false;
        //NPC Properties

        public string GreetMessage = String.Empty;

        //NPC Properties
        public bool Shop;

        public string sellerMessage;

        //NPC Properties
        public List<Item> itemsToSell;

        //NPC Properties
        public List<Responses> Dialogue;

        //NPC Properties
        public List<DialogTree> DialogueTree;

        public List<Quest> Quest;

        //NPC Properties
        public bool Trainer;

        //NPC Properties
        public bool Guard;

        public string EventOnEnter;

        public string EventWake;

        public string EventDeath;

        public Dictionary<string, string> EventOnComunicate;

        public string EventWear { get; set; }

        public bool NewbieChannel = true;

        public bool GossipChannel = true;

        public bool OocChannel = true;

I assign values to the properties in the constructor

     public Player()

            this.Type = PlayerTypes.Player;
            this.Level = 1;
            this.Description = this.Description ?? "You see nothing special about them.";
            this.AlignmentScore = 0;
            this.TotalExperience = 0;
            this.Experience = 0;
            this.ExperienceToNextLevel = 1000; // create class to work out
            this.HitPoints = 100; // class to workout
            this.MaxHitPoints = 100;
            this.ManaPoints = 50;
            this.MaxManaPoints = 50;
            this.MovePoints = 60;
            this.MaxMovePoints = 60;
            this.Explored = 1;
            this.HitRoll = 1;
            this.DamRoll = 1;
            this.Wimpy = 10;
            this.Hours = 0;
            this.Weight = 0;
            this.MaxWeight = 70; // class to workout
            this.Status = PlayerStatus.Standing; // enum property? 1 standing
            this.Target = null;
            this.Inventory = this.Inventory ?? (this.Inventory = new List<Item>());

            this.Skills  = new List<Skill>();

            this.MobKills = 0;
            this.MobDeaths = 0;
            this.Pkills = 0;
            this.PkDeaths = 0;
            this.PkPoints = 0;

            this.Gold = 0;
            this.Silver = 5;
            this.Copper = 100;

            this.Region = "Tutorial";
            this.Area = "Tutorial";
            this.AreaId = 0;

            this.Equipment = this.Equipment ?? (this.Equipment = new Equipment());
            this.Equipment.Floating = this.Equipment.Floating;
            this.Equipment.Head = Equipment.Head;
            this.Equipment.Face = Equipment.Face;         
            this.Equipment.Neck = Equipment.Neck;
            this.Equipment.Neck2 = Equipment.Neck2;
            this.Equipment.Body = Equipment.Body;
            this.Equipment.Waist = Equipment.Waist;         
            this.Equipment.Legs = Equipment.Legs;
            this.Equipment.Feet = Equipment.Feet;

            this.Practices = 10;
            this.Trains = 10;
            this.KnownByName = true;

            this.QuestLog = new List<Quest>();
            this.Quest = new List<Quest>();
            this.EventWake = "";
            this.EventOnEnter = "";
            this.EventOnComunicate = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            var recall = new Recall
                Area = "Anker",
                AreaId = 0,
                Region = "Anker"
            this.Recall = recall;

Sorry for the long list but you can see above how many properties are not being saved into the DB. Nothing is standing out to me as a reason why it would not save all the data. Also no errors are thrown stepping through the code.

Thanks for any help you can give!

LiamKenneth commented 7 years ago

It seems I needed to add { get; set; } to all the properties. Any idea why? As the code worked without them before I was using LiteDB.

mbdavid commented 7 years ago

Hi, when you define: public bool Trainer; it's not a property, it's a field. Fields not serialize by default. You can define mapper to serialize fields, using:

BsonMapper.Global.IncludeFields = true;

LiamKenneth commented 7 years ago

Ah I see. Thanks. Iv'e learnt something new today 👍 :)