mbebenita / Broadway

A JavaScript H.264 decoder.
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rtsp h264 and broadway #111

Open oskbor opened 8 years ago

oskbor commented 8 years ago

Hi guys, Ive built a basic rtsp parser in javascript and I am experimenting with sending h264 frames to broadway. I haven't been successful with getting broadway to render them. No errors occur either. I am unsure on what limitations broadway puts on the h264-frames?

This is how I extract h264 frames from rtsp in my attempts: https://gist.github.com/oskbor/935ef052bfb3c67ccbf5#file-rtsp_h264_extraction-js Does it look correct to you? @soliton4 , I see you have done very interesting things in broadwayStream, could you perhaps take a look at the gist and see if you spot something wrong? best regards Oskar

soliton4 commented 6 years ago

@oskbor sorry for late reply. can you narrow your problem down a little. i am happy to support you with your problem but a simple "spot the error in my project" is to broad and time consuming

vinnitu commented 6 years ago

Hi guys from Ukraine!

seems I have the same trouble And if I right not all h264 files play good

try to reconvert ffmpeg -i file.h264 file_reconverted.h265 and it will not play


in case reconverted file creatingTextures missed

but(!) reconverted file played in avplay successfully