Open C0untZero opened 3 months ago
This could also be achieved, somewhat, by using act to run github action workflows. It follows the behavior you described (isolated build environment in container). Advantage being github workflows already exist and are well supported with the obv disadvantage being the workflows are not agnostic.
At the moment, if we designate a local server as a builder, the repo build expects the build tools to already be available. It would be nice if there was a way to:
This could potentially be solved by utilizing docker itself - a repo configuration could define an image where the repo would be cloned and built. As per our Discord discussion, this could be done by Komodo building a temporary Dockerfile in the repo and filling it with the configured FROM and RUN <onclone cmd / onpull cmd>.
Alternatively it may be possible to use docker attach, where Komodo would spin up a container from the defined image, perform docker attach on it, and then execute all further commands directly there.