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LPC1768: Rewrite I2CSlave HAL to match datasheet way of doing it #280

Closed multiplemonomials closed 1 month ago

multiplemonomials commented 1 month ago

Summary of changes

I developed this PR in combination with my new I2C Slave CI shield test suite. In developing the tests, I noticed that there were a few issues with LPC1768's implementation of the I2C slave HAL. The apparent issue was that i2c_slave_read returned an incorrect number of bytes read (and seems to have been doing so for the last decade). However, the broader issue I noticed was that the functions were not implemented in a way that matched the LPC1768 reference manual. NXP was nice enough to provide an example state machine that implements I2CSlave, and we just ignored it!

This PR redoes both the slave read and the slave write function to actually conform to the datasheet method of doing things.

Impact of changes

Migration actions required



Pull request type

[X] Patch update (Bug fix / Target update / Docs update / Test update / Refactor)
[] Feature update (New feature / Functionality change / New API)
[] Major update (Breaking change E.g. Return code change / API behaviour change)

Test results

[] No Tests required for this change (E.g docs only update)
[] Covered by existing mbed-os tests (Greentea or Unittest)
[X] Tests / results supplied as part of this PR
5: [1716480796.38][SERI][INF] serial(port=/dev/ttyLPC1768, baudrate=115200, read_timeout=0.01, write_timeout=5)
5: [1716480796.38][HTST][INF] setting timeout to: 60 sec
5: [1716480796.39][SERI][TXD] mbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbed
5: [1716480796.39][CONN][INF] sending up to 2 __sync packets (specified with --sync=2)
5: [1716480796.39][CONN][INF] sending preamble '896cc0b1-848c-4cca-866d-2191e531dd78'
5: [1716480796.39][SERI][TXD] {{__sync;896cc0b1-848c-4cca-866d-2191e531dd78}}
5: [1716480796.40][CONN][RXD] mbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbed
5: [1716480796.41][CONN][RXD] >>> Running 9 test cases...
5: [1716480796.42][CONN][INF] found SYNC in stream: {{__sync;896cc0b1-848c-4cca-866d-2191e531dd78}} it is #0 sent, queued...
5: [1716480796.42][HTST][INF] sync KV found, uuid=896cc0b1-848c-4cca-866d-2191e531dd78, timestamp=1716480796.416077
5: [1716480796.42][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__version;1.3.0}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.42][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__timeout;30}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.42][HTST][INF] DUT greentea-client version: 1.3.0
5: [1716480796.42][HTST][INF] setting timeout to: 30 sec
5: [1716480796.42][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__host_test_name;i2c_slave_comms}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.42][HTST][INF] host test class: '<class 'i2c_slave_comms.I2CSlaveCommsTest'>'
5: [1716480796.43][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_name;Write one byte to slave}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.44][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_name;Does not acknowledge other slave address}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.44][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_name;Destroy & recreate I2C object}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.44][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_name;Write multiple bytes to slave}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.44][cy_serial_bridge]Discovered USB endpoints successfully
5: [1716480796.45][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_name;Write less bytes than expected to slave}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.45][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_name;Read one byte from slave}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.45][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_name;Destroy & recreate I2C object}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.45][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_name;Read multiple bytes from slave}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.46][CONN][RXD] 
5: [1716480796.46][CONN][RXD] >>> Running case #1: 'Write one byte to slave'...
5: [1716480796.46][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_name;Read less bytes than expected from slave}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.46][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_start;Write one byte to slave}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.48][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{start_recording_i2c;please}}, queued...
5: [1716480796.53][cy_serial_bridge]Device signature: b'CYUS'
5: Connected to I2C interface of CY7C652xx device, firmware version 2.0.3 build 112
5: [1716480796.54][TEST][INF] I2C Record-Only Test host test setup complete.
5: [1716480796.54][HTST][INF] host test setup() call...
5: [1716480796.54][HTST][INF] CALLBACKs updated
5: [1716480796.54][HTST][INF] host test detected: i2c_slave_comms
5: [1716480797.55][SERI][TXD] {{start_recording_i2c;complete}}
5: [1716480797.56][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{write_bytes_to_slave;addr 0xE4 data 0x1}}, queued...
5: [1716480797.70][TEST][INF] Saw on the I2C bus:
5: Start Wr[0xe4] Ack 0x01 Ack Stop
5: [1716480797.70][SERI][TXD] {{read_bytes_from_slave;complete}}
5: [1716480797.71][SERI][TXD] {{write_bytes_to_slave;complete}}
5: [1716480797.72][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;Write one byte to slave;1;0}}, queued...
5: [1716480797.73][CONN][RXD] >>> 'Write one byte to slave': 1 passed, 0 failed
5: [1716480797.73][CONN][RXD] <greentea test suite>:0::PASS
5: [1716480797.73][CONN][RXD] 
5: [1716480797.73][CONN][RXD] >>> Running case #2: 'Does not acknowledge other slave address'...
5: [1716480797.75][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_start;Does not acknowledge other slave address}}, queued...
5: [1716480797.75][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{start_recording_i2c;please}}, queued...
5: [1716480798.76][SERI][TXD] {{start_recording_i2c;complete}}
5: [1716480798.77][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{try_write_to_wrong_address;0xE6}}, queued...
5: [1716480798.91][TEST][INF] Saw on the I2C bus:
5: Start Wr[0xe6] Nack Stop
5: [1716480798.91][SERI][TXD] {{try_write_to_wrong_address;complete}}
5: [1716480799.03][CONN][RXD] >>> 'Does not acknowledge other slave address': 1 passed, 0 failed
5: [1716480799.03][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;Does not acknowledge other slave address;1;0}}, queued...
5: [1716480799.04][CONN][RXD] <greentea test suite>:0::PASS
5: [1716480799.04][CONN][RXD] 
5: [1716480799.04][CONN][RXD] >>> Running case #3: 'Destroy & recreate I2C object'...
5: [1716480799.04][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_start;Destroy & recreate I2C object}}, queued...
5: [1716480799.05][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reinit_i2c_bridge;please}}, queued...
5: [1716480799.06][cy_serial_bridge]Discovered USB endpoints successfully
5: [1716480799.16][cy_serial_bridge]Device signature: b'CYUS'
5: [1716480799.16][SERI][TXD] {{reinit_i2c_bridge;complete}}
5: [1716480799.17][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;Destroy & recreate I2C object;1;0}}, queued...
5: [1716480799.19][CONN][RXD] >>> 'Destroy & recreate I2C object': 1 passed, 0 failed
5: [1716480799.19][CONN][RXD] <greentea test suite>:0::PASS
5: [1716480799.19][CONN][RXD] 
5: [1716480799.19][CONN][RXD] >>> Running case #4: 'Write multiple bytes to slave'...
5: [1716480799.20][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_start;Write multiple bytes to slave}}, queued...
5: [1716480799.20][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{start_recording_i2c;please}}, queued...
5: [1716480800.21][SERI][TXD] {{start_recording_i2c;complete}}
5: [1716480800.22][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{write_bytes_to_slave;addr 0xE4 data 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7}}, queued...
5: Connected to I2C interface of CY7C652xx device, firmware version 2.0.3 build 112
5: [1716480800.36][TEST][INF] Saw on the I2C bus:
5: Start Wr[0xe4] Ack 0x04 Ack 0x05 Ack 0x06 Ack 0x07 Ack Stop
5: [1716480800.36][SERI][TXD] {{read_bytes_from_slave;complete}}
5: [1716480800.37][SERI][TXD] {{write_bytes_to_slave;complete}}
5: [1716480800.38][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;Write multiple bytes to slave;1;0}}, queued...
5: [1716480800.39][CONN][RXD] >>> 'Write multiple bytes to slave': 1 passed, 0 failed
5: [1716480800.39][CONN][RXD] <greentea test suite>:0::PASS
5: [1716480800.39][CONN][RXD] 
5: [1716480800.40][CONN][RXD] >>> Running case #5: 'Write less bytes than expected to slave'...
5: [1716480800.41][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_start;Write less bytes than expected to slave}}, queued...
5: [1716480800.41][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{start_recording_i2c;please}}, queued...
5: [1716480801.42][SERI][TXD] {{start_recording_i2c;complete}}
5: [1716480801.43][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{write_bytes_to_slave;addr 0xE4 data 0x8 0x9}}, queued...
5: [1716480801.60][TEST][INF] Saw on the I2C bus:
5: Start Wr[0xe4] Ack 0x08 Ack 0x09 Ack Stop
5: [1716480801.61][SERI][TXD] {{read_bytes_from_slave;complete}}
5: [1716480801.62][SERI][TXD] {{write_bytes_to_slave;complete}}
5: [1716480801.63][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;Write less bytes than expected to slave;1;0}}, queued...
5: [1716480801.65][CONN][RXD] >>> 'Write less bytes than expected to slave': 1 passed, 0 failed
5: [1716480801.65][CONN][RXD] <greentea test suite>:0::PASS
5: [1716480801.65][CONN][RXD] 
5: [1716480801.66][CONN][RXD] >>> Running case #6: 'Read one byte from slave'...
5: [1716480801.66][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_start;Read one byte from slave}}, queued...
5: [1716480801.66][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{start_recording_i2c;please}}, queued...
5: [1716480802.67][SERI][TXD] {{start_recording_i2c;complete}}
5: [1716480802.69][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{read_bytes_from_slave;addr 0xE4 expected-data 0x10}}, queued...
5: [1716480802.82][TEST][INF] Saw on the I2C bus:
5: Start Rd[0xe5] Ack 0x10 Nack Stop
5: [1716480802.82][SERI][TXD] {{read_bytes_from_slave;complete}}
5: [1716480802.83][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;Read one byte from slave;1;0}}, queued...
5: [1716480802.85][CONN][RXD] >>> 'Read one byte from slave': 1 passed, 0 failed
5: [1716480802.85][CONN][RXD] <greentea test suite>:0::PASS
5: [1716480802.85][CONN][RXD] 
5: [1716480802.85][CONN][RXD] >>> Running case #7: 'Destroy & recreate I2C object'...
5: [1716480802.86][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_start;Destroy & recreate I2C object}}, queued...
5: [1716480802.86][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reinit_i2c_bridge;please}}, queued...
5: [1716480802.86][cy_serial_bridge]Discovered USB endpoints successfully
5: [1716480802.93][cy_serial_bridge]Device signature: b'CYUS'
5: [1716480802.94][SERI][TXD] {{reinit_i2c_bridge;complete}}
5: [1716480802.95][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;Destroy & recreate I2C object;1;0}}, queued...
5: [1716480802.96][CONN][RXD] >>> 'Destroy & recreate I2C object': 1 passed, 0 failed
5: [1716480802.96][CONN][RXD] <greentea test suite>:0::PASS
5: [1716480802.97][CONN][RXD] 
5: [1716480802.97][CONN][RXD] >>> Running case #8: 'Read multiple bytes from slave'...
5: [1716480802.98][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_start;Read multiple bytes from slave}}, queued...
5: [1716480802.98][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{start_recording_i2c;please}}, queued...
5: [1716480803.99][SERI][TXD] {{start_recording_i2c;complete}}
5: [1716480804.00][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{read_bytes_from_slave;addr 0xE4 expected-data 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14}}, queued...
5: Connected to I2C interface of CY7C652xx device, firmware version 2.0.3 build 112
5: [1716480804.13][TEST][INF] Saw on the I2C bus:
5: Start Rd[0xe5] Ack 0x11 Ack 0x12 Ack 0x13 Ack 0x14 Nack Stop
5: [1716480804.13][SERI][TXD] {{read_bytes_from_slave;complete}}
5: [1716480804.15][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;Read multiple bytes from slave;1;0}}, queued...
5: [1716480804.16][CONN][RXD] >>> 'Read multiple bytes from slave': 1 passed, 0 failed
5: [1716480804.16][CONN][RXD] <greentea test suite>:0::PASS
5: [1716480804.16][CONN][RXD] 
5: [1716480804.17][CONN][RXD] >>> Running case #9: 'Read less bytes than expected from slave'...
5: [1716480804.17][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_start;Read less bytes than expected from slave}}, queued...
5: [1716480804.17][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{start_recording_i2c;please}}, queued...
5: [1716480805.18][SERI][TXD] {{start_recording_i2c;complete}}
5: [1716480805.19][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{read_bytes_from_slave;addr 0xE4 expected-data 0x15 0x16}}, queued...
5: [1716480805.32][TEST][INF] Saw on the I2C bus:
5: Start Rd[0xe5] Ack 0x15 Ack 0x16 Nack Stop
5: [1716480805.33][SERI][TXD] {{read_bytes_from_slave;complete}}
5: [1716480805.34][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;Read less bytes than expected from slave;1;0}}, queued...
5: [1716480805.35][CONN][RXD] >>> 'Read less bytes than expected from slave': 1 passed, 0 failed
5: [1716480805.35][CONN][RXD] <greentea test suite>:0::PASS
5: [1716480805.35][CONN][RXD] 
5: [1716480805.36][CONN][RXD] >>> Test cases: 9 passed, 0 failed
5: [1716480805.36][CONN][RXD] 
5: [1716480805.36][CONN][RXD] -----------------------
5: [1716480805.36][CONN][RXD] 0 Tests 0 Failures 0 Ignored 
5: [1716480805.36][CONN][RXD] OK
5: [1716480805.36][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_summary;9;0}}, queued...
5: [1716480805.36][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{end;success}}, queued...
5: [1716480805.36][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__exit;0}}, queued...
5: [1716480805.37][HTST][INF] __exit(0)
5: [1716480805.37][HTST][INF] __notify_complete(True)
5: [1716480805.37][HTST][INF] __exit_event_queue received
5: [1716480805.37][HTST][INF] test suite run finished after 8.95 sec...
5: [1716480805.37][CONN][INF] received special event '__host_test_finished' value='True', finishing
5: [1716480805.38][HTST][INF] CONN exited with code: 0
5: [1716480805.38][HTST][INF] Some events in queue
5: [1716480805.38][HTST][INF] stopped consuming events
5: [1716480805.38][HTST][INF] host test result() call skipped, received: True
5: [1716480805.38][HTST][INF] calling blocking teardown()
5: [1716480805.38][HTST][INF] teardown() finished
5: [1716480805.38][HTST][INF] {{result;success}}
1/1 Test #5: test-testshield-i2c-slave-comms ...   Passed   16.66 sec

The following tests passed:

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1
