mbeddr / mbeddr.core

The mbeddr core. An extensible C
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Attribute open source packages used #2109

Open eugenschindler opened 4 years ago

eugenschindler commented 4 years ago

Some of the open source packages that are used in mbeddr.platform (e.g. CSV reading library, XML library, etc.) have to be mentioned/attributed due to their license. It seems that mbeddr.platform doesn't do this at all or only partly. How do we go about adding proper attributions to all the software used? I think one file with a listing of all the open source packages used could already be enough.

slisson commented 4 years ago

MPS seems to just have a folder with all the licenses (https://github.com/JetBrains/MPS/tree/master/license), that is also part of the binary distribution. We could place the license file next to the jar and also package it with the plugin.

slisson commented 4 years ago

There is also an about.txt (https://github.com/JetBrains/MPS/tree/master/about.txt) in the root folder that lists all the authors of the libraries. I guess we need such a file for each packaged plugin. Or is the description text of the plugin the correct place?

dbinkele commented 2 years ago

@slisson @eugenschindler Can someone update the status of this ticket?!

arimer commented 9 months ago

@slisson do we already place the missing licence files in the mentioned folder or/and with the plugin already?

eugenschindler commented 9 months ago

I think this is something that @alexanderpann can answer?

alexanderpann commented 9 months ago

Seems doable. There was recently a full scan for all open-source libraries in this repository done by another customer including the used licenses. Maybe we could get the list from them, I could ask.