mbeddr / mbeddr.formal

FASTEN: FormAl SpecificaTion ENvironment - a set of DSLs to experiment with rigorous systems and safety engineering.
Apache License 2.0
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MPS 2021.3.5 based release from 2022-01-09 desn't run #65

Open oloESK opened 2 years ago

oloESK commented 2 years ago


I tried to open latest release after unzipping using fasten.bat and there was no sign of program's respond. It simply doesn't run.

I will be appreciated for a help.

Best regards, Oleg.

ratiud commented 2 years ago

@oloESK Do you mean the release from here? https://github.com/mbeddr/mbeddr.formal/releases/tag/snapshot%2Fv2022_01_09

oloESK commented 2 years ago

@ratiud yes

ratiud commented 2 years ago

can you share with me the idea.log file? fasten-2022-01-09\caches.FASTEN_2022-01-09_1.0-SNAPSHOT\system\log\idea.log

oloESK commented 2 years ago

There is no caches folder in the newest release, it is present in the previous release version but not in the newest though.

ratiud commented 2 years ago

Please delete the last line from C:\temp\fasten-2022-01-09\bin\mps64.exe.vmoptions (i.e. the one which sets the jacocoagent) and try again ...

oloESK commented 2 years ago

It works now. Main problem solved. However, it has some freezes during adding Goal to goal connections in GSN tree. I have to re-run the tool to finally see "Supported by" annotation and be able to move it around.

ratiud commented 2 years ago

Thank you for reporting this! I have uploaded a new version of the release which contains this fix.

Can you reproduce these freezes? Do they happen on a certain model? Could you share the idea.log file? (from fasten-install-dir\caches.FASTEN_2020.3-SNAPSHOT_1.0-SNAPSHOT\system\log)

oloESK commented 2 years ago


Here is the fresh log file right after the freeze occurs. Where can I find new version for download?

ratiud commented 2 years ago

The new version is here: https://github.com/mbeddr/mbeddr.formal/releases/tag/snapshot%2Fv2022_01_09 (the new zip has a name ending in "_v2")

The log contains an exception in the underlying library we use - will take time to debug

Do you have a model where I can reproduce?

oloESK commented 2 years ago

The freezes related to the project which I built on previous release and imported into new one once it became available. I tried quickly recreate simple test scenario within new GSN goal-to-goal structure to possibly share it with you and it went just fine unlike before. I suppose there was some compatibility issues. Unfortunately I can't share my "freezing" project data as they are subject of NDA with customer. However, I am about to recreate the project again on the new release and if I encounter this problem again - I will pass the information on how and when it came to a freeze.

All in all, thank you very much for prompt replies and working remedy. Hope there is no more issues with GSN.

ps. It would help a lot if there were a feature to extract GSN textual view notation (full GSN hierarchy as on the screen after switching Notation) into readable XML file for further post processing. Currently, only manual Copy-Paste suits this purpose.