mbegan / Okta-PSModule

Okta API Powershell Wrapper Module
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ConvertFrom-JSON InputObject parameter returns conversion error #17

Closed weigh2tall closed 6 years ago

weigh2tall commented 6 years ago

Going to admit to being a newbie with the module, but it is definitely looking promising. When I run a command (for example OktaAddUserIDtoGroupID), I get this response:

WARNING: Cannot convert 'System.Byte[]' to the type 'System.String' required by parameter 'InputObject'. Specified method is not supported.

I may be misdiagnosing where the error is arising from.

mbegan commented 6 years ago

Good catch, this may have been lingering around for awhile and i've just been ignoring the error ;-) I just pushed a fix.

weigh2tall commented 6 years ago
