mbegan / Okta-PSModule

Okta API Powershell Wrapper Module
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Cmdlets use non-standard naming convention #62

Open rob-traynere-tylertech opened 1 year ago

rob-traynere-tylertech commented 1 year ago

Cmdlets for this module use non-standard name convention where they should use "Approved Verb"-"Noun" nomenclature using standard PowerShell verbs. You can get a list of standard verbs using the Get-Verb command in PowerShell.

Recommending changing cmdlet names to "Approved Verb"-Okta"Noun", for example, changing oktaListUsers to Get-OktaUser. This may require collapsing several cmdlets down into one such as with oktaListActiveUsers, oktaListDeprovisionedUsers, oktaListUsers, oktaListUsersbyAttribute, oktaListUsersbyDate, oktaListUsersbyStatus collapsing down to Get-OktaUser, and handling specifics with parameter patterns or switches.

I would also recommend using aliases to provide support for legacy code using this module, for example, Set-Alias -Name oktaListUsers -Value Get-OktaUser.