mbeijen / SMS-Send-Twilio

perl5 SMS::Send driver using Twilio API
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Support setting from INI file #6

Open mrdvt92 opened 6 years ago

mrdvt92 commented 6 years ago

It would be nice if you built your object on top of SMS::Send::Driver::WebService so you could save account settings in standard INI file.

/etc/SMS-Send.ini [Twilio] username=ACb657bdcb16f06893fd127e099c070eca password=b857f7afe254fa86c689648447e04cff from=+15005550006

Then the constructor is simply. use SMS::Send; my $cheapest_sms_driver='Twilio'; my $sender = SMS::Send->new($cheapest_sms_driver);

See Also: SMS::Send::NANP::TextPower, SMS::Send::NANP::Raco_TMO

mrdvt92 commented 1 year ago

I added a INI based driver at https://metacpan.org/pod/SMS::Send::NANP::Twilio. The four-part name also allows for North American Number Plan 10-digit support.